Philly Bike Action!

Safe Streets Now!

Concrete Now!

Since January 2023 86 pedestrians and 11 cyclists were killed by cars in Philadelphia.

Two of our neighbors were killed and another seriously injured in Center City, Germantown, and Port Richmond on July 17th alone.

These deaths are preventable.

We are calling on city leadership to demand:

A Philadelphia free of traffic violence is a Philadelphia worth fighting for.

Read more in our Open Letter to City Leaders, Public Statement, and Press Release.

PETITION CLOSED. Click here to view.

Campaign Updates

Safe Streets Now! - District 1

85 Submissions So Far!


Recent comments...

"please do your part and protect us- how many auto accidents and deaths do we need before protective and responsible action has been taken?"

-Francine A C. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"Bike lanes without physical separation such as parked cars, bollards, or green scaping are not sufficient to keep people safe. It has been proven with the lives of many people. This needs to change before more people are injured or killed."

-JJ G. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"Like many other pedestrians and cyclists all over Philadelphia, I am shaken by the horrific killing of Dr. Friedes and the other victims of motorists last week and this week. Philadelphia has more potential than many other U.S. cities to have the safest streets in the nation, yet Mayor Parker has cut the budget for Vision Zero. This is our city’s only chance to make safe cycling infrastructure. I am blessed to not have to own a car in this city, and I know that I am helping contribute to better air quality, traffic, and public transit by being one less car on the road. But the fact that most of our cycling paths are separated by flex posts and paint means nothing to a car. Paint is not infrastructure, and concrete is the only way that we can protect cyclists in bike lane and pedestrians on the sidewalk. I want traffic calming measures to be taken on every street that we can, because children, parents, and other adults deserve to have more viable, low-cost alternatives to driving. This is Philadelphia’s best way of combatting carbon emissions, poor air quality, traffic congestion, noise pollution, and, most of all, the loss of life caused by motorists with little reason to care for pedestrian/cyclist safety when only paint and signs separate us."

-Joseph C. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I am a small business owner, realtor, home owner and resident of Philadelphia for fourteen years. I am also a cyclist. I take my life into my hands daily by biking around our city. I'm fed up with being scared that I'm going to dye by choosing to engage in an activity that is good for my health and good for our cities health. We need safer streets now."

-Kristen S. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Protected bike lanes and enforcement are the keys to safer streets in a city that has a history of aggressive car culture towards cyclist. I am terrified to follow the laws and even have my children cycle with me because of the blatent disregard for cyclists by motor vehicle operators. Need stricter enforcement of stopping in bike lanes and more enforcement for speeding. In many cases drivers are doubling the speed limits which in PA is reckless driving at 26mph over the limit."

-Leo S. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I am writing to advocate for improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure in the city. Specifically, I urge the implementation of proper separated bike lanes using parking protection, bollards, or curbs. Additionally, an immediate change can be changing regulation of "no parking" to "no stopping" in bike lanes. Lastly, daylighting intersections to increase pedestrian visibility. These improvements are essential for promoting safety and sustainability in a vibrant urban environment. Fund vision zero! Thanks,"

-Arrington P. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"The city has been dragging its feet for long enough - something needs to be done NOW to protect cyclists and pedestrians. Protected bike lanes are a MUST, and quite honestly, the bare minimum. Motorists drive with no care for others around them because they know nothing will be done to stop them. Increased patrolling, stopping, and ticketing need to begin immediately in order to try and curb the reckless driving (as well as parking) that occurs across the city. People shouldn’t fear for their lives when they are walking or biking down the street, yet many do, including myself. PROTECT US NOW."

-Alyson A. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"My name is Jamie and I am a resident of Fishtown. I am writing to demand safer streets now. I ride my bike to center city every single day to work. I go an extra mile every morning and night because Spruce and Pine are the only streets that allow me to ride continuously in bike lanes. Even then, I am constantly weaving through traffic to avoid cars stopped in the bike lane or dodging cars running red lights. We NEED permanent protected bike lanes and red-light cameras immediately. It is absolutely despicable the city has allowed so many pedestrian and biker deaths. It is the city's fault Dr. Friedes was killed. The city needs to act now."

-Jamie G. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Hi, I am heartbroken about the tragedies that occurred this past Wednesday. I moved to Philadelphia a little over four years ago and while I love it, the number of pedestrian and cyclist deaths in this city is beyond sad and disappointing. Please, create safer sidewalks and bike lanes for residents and visitors. People are willing to help, so let us know how to but we need leaders as well as resources and support. Sincerely, Samantha Rosenbaum 917-617-5041"

-Samantha R. 7 months ago

"I am a resident of City Council District 1, a bike commuter, and a medical worker. I and every one of my friends has a near-death story and here an aggressive driver could’ve ended our lives. What happened to Dr. Friedes could have happened to any of us and we e could be next if you do not act. I am writing to demand immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. ACT NOW BEFORE THE NEXT TRAGEDY"

-Joshua P. 7 months ago

"I can imagine a much better city, where bikers have barriers between themselves and cars, where cars are not prioritized over human lives. Mr. Johnson, please do not succumb to the interests of those who have more power than the rest of us."

-Julie K. 7 months ago

"We need concrete barriers for bicycle lanes! We need pressure for this city wide, including on the Penn and CHOP campuses, where cyclists commuting to work have NO bicycle lanes to get to the numerous bicycle parking plots that were so heavily touted in these updated building designs."

-Miranda G. 7 months ago

"It’s time to STOP protecting the rights of motorists and sentencing cyclists to DEATH in our BIKE LANES. Philadelphia prioritizes the safety of a 68 year old drunk motorist over the life of a 30 year old children’s oncologist. That is vile, embarrassing, and unacceptable. This city should be ashamed of how it approaches cycling infrastructure. Do better. Release the identify of the killer motorist and make an example of him."

-Suzanne M. 7 months ago

"As a Philadelphian, safe streets are my number one issue. Unfortunately, the City has continuously failed to prioritize safe streets, leading to needless death and injury amongst the most vulnerable road users. I implore you to put an end to the carnage by immediately implementing proven strategies. Protecting bicycle lanes with concrete, daylighting intersections and calming motor vehicle traffic saves lives."

-Ryan B. 7 months ago

"For years, we have been begging for safer bike lanes and streets through various traffic engineering and road-design solutions. Every month, people die from negligent vehicular collisions, and little to nothing is being done to counter these unnecessary deaths. These are not unsolvable problems. Look just a little north to Hoboken, NJ, which rapidly brought their traffic-related deaths to 0 through means that we can replicate here with political will. Several other car-dependent cities worldwide, with many of the same problems we face, have changed their course in recent years as well. People want to take public transit and bike to their destinations; however, limited funding and poor infrastructure make them less reliable and more dangerous. Fully funding these initiatives would provide immense public good for lower-income residents, homeowners, and almost everyone else across the city. Whether or not you received someone’s vote, you are among Philadelphia's elected leadership. Please lead this city into the modern world and reap the benefits that countless studies have already demonstrated. Enough with the nitpicking and excessive need for "community engagement." Take charge and make positive changes. Many local officials worldwide made bold, seemingly unpopular decisions to fully fund public transit and improve walking and biking experiences at the cost of free parking and excessive vehicle speeds. Were they impeached and removed from office? No. They won subsequent elections by landslides because the results were hugely positive for everyone. Please show us that you have the courage needed to make our city safer. Philly Bike Action is more than happy to work with you to suggest improvements that do not require several new, tedious, unnecessary, and often costly studies."

-J S. 7 months ago

"I use the bike lanes all the time and don’t want to die from a driver’s impatience. I’m also a homeowner on Spruce and don’t think the convenience of loading and unloading in the bike lane is worth my or anyone else’s life."

-Lucien S. 7 months ago

"This week’s lethal traffic accidents were an outrage, and any official concerned with building a safe, livable, and green city should be horrified to see that this can so easily happen in Philadelphia. I am writing to demand that safe bike lanes (rigid bollards, not paint) be installed on exciting bike lanes, and that crosswalks be daylights and made safe with real infrastructure including speed bumps. Thank you,"

-Andrew B. 7 months ago

"The fact that our own community members don’t feel safe to use their own form of transportation is deeply upsetting. A tragedy that feels avoidable."

-Elizabeth H. 7 months ago

"I am a proud Philadelphia resident who supports protected bike lanes. The loss at 18th & Spruce this week has really unsettled me and I know we can do more. That woman could have done so much incredible good for our city and we lost her senselessly. Please remember her."

-Emily S. 7 months ago

"More safer bike lanes please!!! And speed cameras and speed bumps. FUND #VISIONZERO"

-Nicole Z. 7 months ago

"Every day as I walk through the city and use public transportation and watch other people drive in their heavy metal machines I see those drivers disrespecting and endangering both pedestrians and bicyclists. Almost every single day I see cars parked in bike lanes, cutting off bicyclists on the road, almost hitting pedestrians including myself, people driving dangerously, and drivers who are too busy looking at their phones to pay attention to how they’re operating these heavy metal machines. It should not be this dangerous to live in a city with other people who use different modes of transportation. There has to be more enforcement of vehicular laws, and there has to be better infrastructure for bicyclists. It’s abhorrent that deaths like this are so easily preventable. If it wasn’t for the laziness of the city to put up adequate safety measures these things would simply not happen. Those plastic bollards do absolutely nothing and are routinely ignored by drivers. We need real separation of road and bike lanes we need real safety provided to those that choose to make their way through our city on bicycles. People riding bikes do not deserve to live in fear when they are simply trying to get home to their families."

-Yaara B. 7 months ago

"The state of safe bike infrastructure in District 1 is embarrassingly bad. Cyclists and pedestrians deserve space to commute around the city without fearing for their lives. Drivers clearly cannot be trusted to operate their 4,000 pound vehicles safely. Unprotected bike lanes are no longer acceptable. Paint and plastic flex-posts are not infrastructure. Action must be taken immediately!"

-Matthew C. 7 months ago

"I support cyclist and pedestrian safety, and strongly voice my displeasure with the city’s clear indifference towards the lives of those who choose to live healthier lives by utilizing alternative methods of transportation. We must invest in better infrastructure to protect our most vulnerable road users."

-Brian T. 7 months ago

"I am horrified and disgusted by the death of Barbara Friedes which is a direct result of the lack of safe bicycle infrastructure and enforcement of traffic laws in Philly and in district 1. We need physically curb-separated bike lanes on Spruce and Pine immediately, along with all other major streets in the near future. Anything less and you will be directly responsible for the next innocent person to be injured or killed by dangerous driving in our city."

-Andrew P. 7 months ago

"Absolutely need more protection for cyclists in district 1. Just try biking these routes for yourself, you’ll instantly see why."

-Wes W. 7 months ago

"A driver killing a cyclist riding in the bike lane is unacceptable. The lack of consideration for safer streets and defunding vision zero is shameful. The city of Philadelphia needs safer infrastructure for cyclist and pedestrians. Green paint and flexible plastic poles separating dangerous drivers from cyclists is not safety. We need physical barriers like bollards separating bike lanes from car traffic lanes."

-Kelly C. 7 months ago

"I urge you to please prioritize the safety of the people of Philadelphia! Philly is a beautiful city and I love living here but I’ve been debating moving due to the constant fear of being injured or killed by a car. Traffic deaths and injuries are out of control in this city and it is time to address the issue!"

-Michael M. 7 months ago

"We need safer streets including traffic calming and protected lanes now. This week's tragic events show just how dangerous Philadelphia is for people outside cars. I regularly ride and walk in Philly- often with my children. I am afraid to let my son walk to Dickinson Square Park to play because speeding and unenforced illegal parking make 4th & Morris too dangerous for a child to cross. I feel let down by our city. We know what we could do to reduce these tragedies, but preserving fast vehicle speeds and convenient parking for the few almost always seems the highest priority. Please let us learn from this terrible week just how grave the danger is, and take the steps necessary to create a safer Philadelphia."

-Christopher D. 7 months ago

"I am writing in support of fully protected, curb separated, bicycle lanes both on spruce and pine streets, and throughout Philadelphia. Nearly every day I bike to and from work on these routes and encounter numerous vehicles parked in the bike lane, as well as at least once weekly close calls with careless or reckless drivers. Less than 30 minutes before learning of the death of Dr. Friedes, I experienced a similar incursion into the bicycle lane by a driver impatiently dodging around a parking car at the corner of 7th and Spruce. This and other unnecessary life-threatening hazards to cyclists and pedestrians have to stop. Every driver is also a pedestrian, and some of us are cyclists as well. Please support safer bike lanes and streets in District 1 and throughout Philadelphia. As someone who also owns a car and drives and parks on Philadelphia streets, let me also say that I wholeheartedly reject the notion that making our streets safer isn't worth the (often fictional) cost of reduced parking convenience, and to compare the two as though the were even remotely of the same importance is an obscene disregard for the value of human life.<br> Please support protected bicycle infrastructure throughout the city.<br> <br> Thank you,"

-David G. 7 months ago

"Being able to use my bicycle is fundamental to my day-to-day life in Philadelphia. I can't imagine living in a city where biking is not a viable option, and it is what makes living in Center City appealing to me as opposed to living in the suburbs. It is a healthy, eco-friendly means of transit that helps take pressure off of our burdened infrastructure. Please do more to keep bikers safe. Accidents like what happened to Barbara Friedes are preventable. Many cities have done a great deal to improve safety, and Philly can do this too."

-Andrew B. 7 months ago

"I just moved to Philadelphia in June. I am an active transportation planner that promotes cycling and walking heavily each day. I have always wanted to sell my car and live the life I preach about. I now no longer feel that Philadelphia is safe enough for that to be an option. Active transportation has so many economic, social, and environmental benefits. Philadelphia must prioritize and protect our most vulnerable roadway users and invest in better infrastructure now. We cannot rely on enforcement, the infrastructure must be changed."

-Katherine W. 7 months ago

"We need safer streets now! Biking is a main form of economic transportation for so many in the city of Philadelphia. I have a 1 year old child and have only ridden my bike several times with her because I am too scared of what the consequences may be. Yet somehow I daily see parents riding with their children - how terrifying. What will it take? A child’s death? Take action now to make the streets safer for ALL - including children."

-Elisabeth H. 7 months ago

"Drivers are out of control in Philly. They’re dangerous and hostile. My heart is breaking for the recent pedestrian and biker’s deaths. I saw 3 cars in district 1 drive through lights and stop signs TODAY. I saw a man crossing at broad and reed almost get hit as a driver turned on to oncoming traffic, TODAY. I feel unsafe walking and biking in my city. Mark Squilla, thank you for changing Washington. I feel much safer crossing there now. Please create safety everywhere as much as you can. Hold people accountable! Calm traffic. Calm people. Praying for change."

-Natalie C. 7 months ago

"I recently moved to Philadelphia from a Sunbelt city because I want to live in a city where it is safe to walk and ride my bike. However, the horrific incident on Spruce St has made it clear that Philadelphia needs safe bike lanes NOW, not later. Safe bike lanes can be build cheaply and quickly - it just takes some well-placed protective barriers! You have the power to do the right thing for your constituents and ensure that a tragedy like this never happens again."

-Jacob U. 7 months ago

"When I voted for Cheryll Parker I was promised a “cleaner greener Philadelphia”. Instead vision zero funding was slashed and there’s blood on her hands. She will not be getting my vote next election. The question is, are we going to invest in protecting our citizens? Or are we going to double down on prioritizing cars which comes at immense cost. Personal financial costs, costs in infrastructure, costs to our environment through pollution and costs in lives lost to traffic violence."

-Daniel L. 7 months ago

"We know how to make streets safer. Other cities have done it. OTIS knows the best practices of VisionZero. Please empower OTIS to implement safety measures that will make streets safer, not only for people like me who use a bicycle as my primary form of transportation, but also for Philadelphians who are currently terrified to ride a bike in the city because of our lack of infrastructure."

-Janneken S. 7 months ago

"On July 17th 3 Philadelphians were murdered by reckless driving in 3 seperate incidents across the city. Citizens have neen begging you for safer streets and to impliment Vision Zero for years and years. How many more people have to be ripped away in this cruel and preventable deaths? Please please please use your power and resources to slow traffic, create safe and seperate bike line, and prioritize non driver safety over cars. Please!"

-Catherine W. 7 months ago

"Save lives with concrete separators for bike lanes!!! We need protection from the insane drivers!!!"

-Meg L. 7 months ago

"We need physical bike infrastructure and major changes to how we design our roads so that this doesn't happen again. This city's preference towards the convenience of car drivers over the safety of others is killing people."

-Owen S. 7 months ago

"I just returned from France, which used to have greater pedestrian and cyclist traffic deaths but now has far fewer. The measures proposed will save thousands of lives, increase opportunities for work (bike infrastructure increases job accessibility) and reduce air pollution. It’s a choice to live as we are, we don’t have to live this way, we know what works."

-Jesse D. 7 months ago

"Citizen mobility and safety are the most important issues facing this city. They directly link to economic opportunity for all, climate justice for all, and restoring vibrant community for all, which reckless drivers and inequitable infrastructure have stolen from citizens. Please stop putting off critical pedestrian, cycling and transit funding. You must fund protected bike lanes. You must fund pedestrian centered traffic patterns. You must fund car-free walking and biking paths that connect neighborhoods. You must fund SEPTA and public transit services. This cannot wait any longer. Cities like NYC, DC, LA are surpassing Philadelphia with modern, public transportation mind-sets. Philadelphia should be LEADING progress in modern city planning with all our unique historical and cultural advantages as a “city of neighborhoods”. Show us how."

-Sarita C. 7 months ago

"Mark, We must quit making excuses for the convenience of residents who want to park in the bike lanes along Spruce and Pine Streets. We need protected bike lanes now! Concrete and steel. If safety had been the #1 priority, Dr. Friedes would still be with us."

-Caleb H. 7 months ago

"I commute from Fishtown to Center City every day on my bike. Biking around is how I explored this city and came to call it home when I arrived several years ago; I love riding my bike! I feel it’s good for Philadelphia when I ride my bike— it’s better for our infrastructure, public safety, traffic reduction. It is a wonderful part of living in this city. This week’s accident is chilling because I ride on Spruce St all the time; that rider who was struck by a car driving twice the speed limit in her bike lane easily could’ve been me, or so many of us. Cities are for people. We choose urban life because we’re explorers, we’re curious, we seek connection. We want to visit each other, shop, go to the Phillie’s game, the bar, the concert, the park. Unfortunately these pedestrian fatalities show us that Philadelphia isn’t a city for people, it’s a city for cars. It doesn’t have to be like this! I’m urging you for speedy investment in safer streets for those of us who aren’t whipping around residential streets in a 2000-lb SUV. This is a top-priority voting issue for me and I will be paying close attention to your response and effectiveness. Thank you, Cait O’Donnell 9082552048"

-Caitlin O. 7 months ago

"Protected bike lanes have been needed on Spruce and Pine for years. Take action before another person is hurt or killed"

-Rachael G. 7 months ago

"Paint and plastic are not protection. Period. Every vehicular violence fatality is unnecessary and preventable. Please listen to organizations like Philly Bike Action and Fifth Square and upgrade the existing bicycle infrastructure across Philadelphia to include concrete lane separation and more permanent bollards where possible. No more Philadelphians need to die. Thank you for your time and consideration."

-Terry H. 7 months ago

"I ask of you to commit to making the streets in Phialdelphia safer for pedestrians! In order to do this, please commit to better bike lane infrastructure! Make buses run more often and pay the bus drivers more so that fewer people need a car in the city. Many people would ditch their car if there were other reliable options available. Please- safer roads for pedestrians saves lives!"

-Alyssa P. 7 months ago

"Enough is enough! We are just trying to live here... The design of our city affects so much and so many. It is long overdue for safer infrastructure to accommodate the ever expanding ways of commuting. Our city needs to evolve with times. Inaction and staus quo has kept us back long enough. So many condo buildings are being built without any regard to how the current and future citizens are going to get around. This will only get worse if you do not ACT NOW! Think of the future and your constituents...presently and forever!"

-Maria S. 7 months ago

"I’m writing to ask that you take the lives of your constituents more seriously. Biking or walking in this city should never be a question of life or death. Our bike lanes need to be Truly Protected with concrete or steel bollards. The recent death of CHOP resident Barbara Friedes, biking to work in the bike lane on Spruce Street was entirely avoidable. She deserves to live as much as anyone else in this city, whether in a car, on foot or bike. The young patients she would have helped through her career deserve for her to have lived. Please consider demonstrating your care for us by funding Vision Zero and its initiatives and protecting bikers in the city with FULLY PROTECTED bike lanes. Thank you, Justin Hess and a house full of your constituents on bikes."

-Justin H. 7 months ago

"Our family of 4 bikes to work- i am a social worker at Penn Presbyterian in University City & school everyday! This is enough!! We demand a push for infrastructure and safe streets to ride in!! Bikers take up less room, commute safer to work and school & we deserve to MAKE IT TO WORK AND SCHOOL ALIVE, don’t you AGREE!!!!"

-Amy C. 7 months ago

"I rarely drive in the city and prefer biking, walking, and taking transit because it's often the timely and, importantly, affordable option as a retail worker. I love how walkable and bikable Philly can be, but the senseless deaths from reckless driving need to stop. Please restore funding to Vision Zero so enforcement, protected bike lanes, and street calming measures can increase."

-Eileen D. 7 months ago

"Hi - I've lived in Philadelphia for 15 years and have only done a few bike rides. The way drivers handle bikers is insanely unsafe - if I could feel safer on the road on a bicycle i would be riding more than driving."

-Juliana M. 7 months ago

"The failure to protect and invest in bicycle infrastructure leads to deaths. As one of your constituents, I used to ride my bike daily to commute between Queen Village and University City, relying heavily on the Spruce and Pine Street bike lanes. I know firsthand how unprotected and dangerous they are. Primarily due to unsafe riding conditions of our city streets, I stopped biking as of 2019 and I now contribute to congestion, smog, and traffic as a car driver. Livable, walkable cities MUST have safe infrastructure for bikes and pedestrians. We must do better."

-Rebecca S. 7 months ago

"Enough is enough. How many of us have to die before Vision Zero becomes an actual priority instead of political banter? Show political courage - reinvest and redirect city funds to Vision Zero and safer streets. We cannot become the cleanest, safest, greenest city when cars are the ruling order. Our lives are at stake."

-Alicia S. 7 months ago

"To the elected officials of Philadelphia, this is your reminder that your job is to improve the safety of the city for its citizens. In the broadest sense, that is the purpose of government, and it is your duty to uphold that. Unfortunately, the death of the biker on July 17th is not an isolated incident. This is the predictable result of a refusal to protect cyclists with infrastructure. Painted lanes are not infrastructure, and everyday you see that they at best function as suggestions for cars to stay away. Invest in infrastructure. Prevent these senseless deaths. Your citizens deserve and demand better. It is high time you stop ignoring the call for protected bike lanes and invest in your citizens’ safety."

-Olivia O. 7 months ago

"Nobody should be killed or injured while riding a bike or walking on the streets. People who live in Philly deserve better. It's your responsibility as polititians and leaders to make this city safer for aIl, creating better and reliable infrastructures and holding people accountable. NO MORE BIKE DEATHS! NO MORE GHOST BIKES! REST IN POWER!"

-Yolanda G. 7 months ago

Safe Streets Now! - District 2

68 Submissions So Far!


Recent comments...

"As a biking, voting, and tax paying resident of Philadelphia, I beg you to take action now to implement safer streets for all Philadelphians. We demand: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. God wants safer streets, not more tithing. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. And enforcement of the law. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. If you care about us, please hear us."

-Elizabeth N. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"I am becoming increasingly distressed by the amount of pedestrian deaths in this city. Currently there are over 1.5 million philadelphia residents. Why is it that cars come before all 1.5 million of us? I understand that cars can be huge advantage in certain situations. HOWEVER, people should always come first. Since beginning to commute by bicycle 3 years, I have learned the true joys experienced from biking. I get to see the city in a beautiful way. I have increased my strength, became more active, saved money, and have been able to explore more of this city. Despite this, the onslaught of cars who have almost hit me is immense. We complain about our children not having safe places to play/go, and yet we refuse to make safe areas for play, walking, or cycling. We refuse to redesign stop lights, refuse to give up parking for pedestrians and children, and refuse to make protected bike lanes. Plastic is better than nothing, but it does not protect me. Yall do not protect us. 4 pedestrian deaths in week???!! We are ok with that?? I am urging you to reconsider adding actual protection to bike lanes. Allowing for real safety for bikers and beyond. You say you want healthier people, yet you stop maybe from ever trying to become more active. Thank you."

-Maria C. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"The recent cyclist deaths in our city terrify me. I bike every day, most often on the Spruce and Pine bike lanes. Typically there are cars parked in these lanes almost every single block, which means dangerous weaving in and out of traffic for cyclists (I know the drivers hate this too!). It often feels as if the bike lanes are worthless except as extra parking for a few bad actors. “No Stopping” signs and concrete protection are sorely needed. We need to make cycling in Philadelphia safer and encourage more people to get on bikes. Every cyclist is one less car on the road and that makes Philadelphia a more pleasant city for everyone."

-Leslie H. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"I am incredibly concerned about the quality of driving in the city and how it endangers the lives of pedestrians and cyclists. I walk with my two young kids back and forth to school and I regularly feel deeply unsafe with the amount of speeding, running through red lights, turning into pedestrians in crosswalks, and more. My husband bikes to and from work every day and returns deeply frustrated and unhappy with how unsafe he feels each day. The safety of my family walking and biking around the city keep me up at night. As I know both of you know, there are many many steps city governments can take, and many have taken, around the country and the world to protect pedestrians and cyclists. I urge you to take those carefully researched, proven steps to protect the people of Philadelphia. I would be very happy to help in this effort, as would many of the families I know. It is vital to the health of the city. Thank you for your consideration."

-Hana S. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"My family and I often ride our bicycles on Spruce and Pine Streets thinking that they are safer than other streets because they have dedicated bike lanes. That said, the bike lanes are more often than not clogged with parked motor vehicles that require that we dangerously leave the bike lane. Further, and more imporantly, the recent death of Barbara Friedes has demonstrated that placing flexible bollards only at intersections is far less protective than the concrete barriers cities like New York and Pittsburgh use to protect their bicyclists. Accordingly, we call on you for: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Thomas K. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"I live on Spruce 2 blocks from where the recent fatal bicycle accident occurred, and I regularly see motorists abusing the bike lanes. It would only be common sense to erect concrete barriers to protect the bike lanes on Spruce and Pine, to give bikers at least one safe river to river route. It would protect lives and also improve the quality of life in Philly’s neighborhoods. Thank you."

-Joel S. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"A couple of months ago, my wife and I purchased a child's bike seat at our local bike shop (Bicycle Therapy on South Street) and took our son on his first ride along the Schuylkill River. You'll never see a smile as big as his that day. Fast forward to this afternoon, two days after our son's first birthday, and I find myself holding back tears as our family biked down Spruce Street past 18th. The whole outing--our first since the three tragic incidents on July 17th--was slow-moving and stress-filled. And for good reason. For all of the cosmetic improvements (read: flex posts and green paint near intersections) Philadelphia has made over the last few years, nothing has actually been done on a majority of the cycling roads to actually make non-automobile travelers safer. I am a Systems Safety Engineer by profession, and I know all too well that adding paint and signage to your system is the least effective way of mitigating any risk (see MIL-STD-882 for more info). It is past time to implement meaningful, permanent design solutions to our city's biking infrastructure. Councilman Johnson: you had a prime opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to your district with upgrades to Washington Avenue west, yet you did nothing (aside from one set of speed humps near 16th St.). It's clear to me that your priorities lie elsewhere. So, Mayor Parker: the residents of this city charge you with improving the safety and quality of life of those who choose to commute and move about the city sustainably. You campaigned on leading Philadelphia to a safer future. Now is the time to make good on your pledge to us. We demand permanent protection of our bike lanes. We demand tougher enforcement on illegally parked cars. We demand tougher enforcement on wreckless driving, red light and stop sign runners, and illegal registration tags (which allows drivers to get away with hit and runs with absolute impunity). If you need inspiration, take a quick flight to Paris, France to see how they've prioritized safety and efficiency for cyclists. I'm also happy to share the full text of Oslo, Norway's Street Design Manual, which provides in great detail the best practices for enabling pedestrian, cyclist, and automobile safety on any road. None of what I'm proposing here is revolutionary. Safety for biking commuters and families is easily attainable. It just relies on our elected officials caring enough to do something about it. I hope you, Mayor Parker and Councilman Johnson, will find it within your power (and within your hearts) to do something about it."

-Frank P. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I have been commuting by bike and electric scooter since relocating to Philadelphia in 2020. Although conditions have improved, I am dismayed by the slow rate of change. Mayor Parker campaigned on Vision Zero but has since slashed the budget by 60%. If we don’t make changes soon, more lives will be at stake. Protected bike lanes encourage people to forgo their cars, alleviate traffic, promote exercise, improve air quality, and even support local businesses where parking and public transit may be scarce. Most importantly, prevention of accidents will save the city money and grief. There were supposed to be officers on bike patrolling Spruce and Pine streets. Each pedestrian death is one death too many. Let’s make Philadelphia an exemplar of safety culture for other urban American cities."

-Amy T. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Physical safety for our residents and visitors is vital to the general wellbeing of our city. Our lives take precedence over parking, or a driver’s impatience and impulse to speed. We cannot wait, we will not hang back, and we demand: -Concrete barriers for cyclists and pedestrians -Accountability for those who speed, obstruct our bike lanes, and drive recklessly -An end to permitted parking in bike lanes -An increase in bike lanes, with barriers: allowing more of us, including senior citizens and children, the safety to move about this city Biking and walking are a green alternative to cars, and a healthy means of travel for work, school, and recreation. Lives are worth more than cars, and we’re counting on you to acknowledge this."

-Gwyneth O. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Take action now to implement safer streets for all Philadelphians. Immediate needs: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Andrew M. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I support Philly Bike Action's proposed action to improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. These proposals include: (1) concrete barriers separating bike lanes from traffic (2) ending parking permits for Spruce and Pine (3) re-regulation of "no parking" in bike lanes to "no stopping" (4) making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. In addition, I strongly support SOSNA's plan to redesign the intersection at 23rd and Bainbridge/Grays Ferry."

-Jeff A. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I am a resident of Councilmanic District 2 requesting your support for Philly Bike Action's demnds, including: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. In addition, I hope you will support state and local initiatives for safe/ affordable mass transit which, in reducing the reliance on cars in the city, will help reduce motor vehicular-caused deaths and injury to both pedestrians and cyclists, and will improve the quality of life for all Philadelphia residents."

-Beth L. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"As a home owner, car owner, and cyclist living in Center City, I nevertheless feel tremendous concern about the (general) lack of strong, physical barriers to protect bicyclists in bike lanes. Indeed, in 2026, visitors (and press) from Europe and and the world will see and perhaps experience for themselves see how behind-the-times and dangerous it is to use a bicycle or walk in our city. We have time to turn this around. Taking an example from our governor, we could easily retrofit such lanes with concrete barriers and other improvements. Please consider taking action ASAP! Thank you,"

-Paul L. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Please make our city safe for cyclists and pedestrians. No one should die commuting in this city. We need dedicated bike lanes and for traffic laws to actually be enforced."

-Claire G. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"How many traggic deaths is it going to take for the city to finally make it more accessible and SAFE for bike riders?"

-Vanessa S. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"It is absurd that we allow pedestrians and cyclists to continue to die so that vehicles can take priority in this city. These issues have been easily addressed in other cities by daylighting intersections, installing permanent bike lane protections, preventing cars from parking in said lanes, and increasing enforcement for violators. Making Philadelphia a city that people feel safe in is not just the right thing to do but your duty as an elected official."

-Josh C. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"PLEASE- something needs to be done to protect bike lanes. There are too many deaths."

-Miriam S. 7 months ago

"I’m sending this message to request that the city focus on improving bike safety. Specifically: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Tegan H. 7 months ago

"Citizens of Philadelphia demand action in the wake of this tragedy. We ask for: Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Anil M. 7 months ago

"I regularly commute via bike and scooter across Center City. I am sick and tired of being scared for my safety on my way to work every morning. I moved to Philadelphia 2 years ago, and I love the biking community in our city. However, too many PREVENTABLE injuries and deaths have occurred to cyclists in Philadelphia due to lack of bike lane infrastructure and protective barriers. Please take action to protect Philadelphia cyclists."

-Anna V. 7 months ago

"Since January 2023 86 pedestrians and 11 people on bikes have been killed by cars in Philadelphia. Two of our neighbors were killed and another seriously injured in Center City, Germantown, and Port Richmond on July 17 alone. I'm asking you to please immediately install permanent concrete protection for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny, end bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce & Pine Streets and re-regulate all "No Parking" in bike lanes to "No Stopping", and make physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Jacob P. 7 months ago

"Enough is enough! We need safer streets NOW! It should not be such a hazard to commute to work, run errands, enjoy being outside, or living our lives. There are immediately available solutions to these problems. IMPLEMENT THEM!"

-J S. 7 months ago

"For years, we have been begging for safer bike lanes and streets through various traffic engineering and road-design solutions. Every month, people die from negligent vehicular collisions, and little to nothing is being done to counter these unnecessary deaths. These are not unsolvable problems. Look just a little north to Hoboken, NJ, which rapidly brought their traffic-related deaths to 0 through means that we can replicate here with political will. Several other car-dependent cities worldwide, with many of the same problems we face, have changed their course in recent years as well. People want to take public transit and bike to their destinations; however, limited funding and poor infrastructure make them less reliable and more dangerous. Fully funding these initiatives would provide immense public good for lower-income residents, homeowners, and almost everyone else across the city. Whether or not you received someone’s vote, you are among Philadelphia's elected leadership. Please lead this city into the modern world and reap the benefits that countless studies have already demonstrated. Enough with the nitpicking and excessive need for "community engagement." Take charge and make positive changes. Many local officials worldwide made bold, seemingly unpopular decisions to fully fund public transit and improve walking and biking experiences at the cost of free parking and excessive vehicle speeds. Were they impeached and removed from office? No. They won subsequent elections by landslides because the results were hugely positive for everyone. Please show us that you have the courage needed to make our city safer. Philly Bike Action is more than happy to work with you to suggest improvements that do not require several new, tedious, unnecessary, and often costly studies."

-J S. 7 months ago

"Please please please, we need investment in solid barriers to separate the bike lanes ASAP. As someone who doesn’t have a car and commutes via bike, the recent killings his simply horrific."

-Christian F. 7 months ago

"There are no acceptable reasons why bicycle infrastructure and pedestrian safety are not top priorities for Philly. The current state of bike lanes in most of the city cannot be considered protected or safe. The flexible bollards should have been replaced with real protective infrastructure. Just look how beat up they are, you can tell countless vehicles have driven right over them. By not doing the minimum or creating solid protective barriers, any future injuries and deaths caused by vehicles to cyclists and pedestrians is the fault of Philly’s leaders like Kenyatta Johnson and Mayor Parker. Do better."

-Jenny G. 7 months ago

"Mayor Parker pledged to make Philly the cleanest, greenest, safest big city in America. Supporting improved bike infrastructure is a no-brainer towards all these goals."

-Tom S. 7 months ago

"Please take action to make the streets and bike lanes safer so that tragic deaths like the ones that have occurred can be prevented. Bike lanes need barriers to separate them from car lanes. You have made promises, now it is time to keep them."

-Ryan M. 7 months ago

"The horrific accidents that have taken place within our beautiful city in the past weeks require immediate action. Lives were lost. Lives that could have easily been saved with the proper infrastructure. The people of Philadelphia deserve safer streets. Do better."

-Herbert V. 7 months ago

"I am advocating for safer streets. Please do not hesitate in taking immediate action to improve the safety of our city's bikers. One tragic loss of life is too many. I speak from the CHOP medical community, but use my voice for all community members. Thank you."

-Eliza F. 7 months ago

"How many more deaths will it take?"

-Kayla M. 7 months ago

"Philadelphia needs to take action to stop preventable harm and death to our citizens."

-Hailey H. 7 months ago

"Please. This isn't a joke, or politics. The lives of our neighbors need to be protected with REAL bike infrastructure. If we are going to be a clean, green, and safe city, this is something that accomplishes all three goals. I personally do not commute by bike simply because I do not feel safe, but easily could. Infrastructure can make it impossible for this to happen, even with bad driver behavior. Bike lanes taken fully off the road could make this city special and appealing, as it's flat and easy to navigate. We can't afford to keep losing our neighbors when it can be prevented"

-Sean L. 7 months ago

"Please use our tax payer money to create safer bike lanes throughout the city. Philadelphia will never reach it's true potential by being car first."

-Laura S. 7 months ago

"The lack of safety and care for bikers in this city is completely unacceptable! Do better."

-Alicia D. 7 months ago

"Please take action on making the city infrastructure safe for cyclist and pedastrians. Protected bike lanes, pedastrian-only streets, traffic calming measures are some of the greatest tools to make the city safer. I am concerned for the life of my family, friends, and just any Philadelphia resident who steps foot on our streets. The history will tell you that you made the right decision to pursue city's residents safety. Thank you,"

-Oleg Z. 7 months ago

"I ride my bike to work every day using a designated bike lane while wearing a helmet and reflective equipment. I ride my bike because I want this city and the world to be a healthier, greener, and safer place. Bike safety infrastructure is not a luxury, it is a necessity. As a citizen of Philadelphia, it is extremely important to me that the local government prioritizes the health and safety of bike riders and pedestrians."

-Alessandra C. 7 months ago

"Please take action now to implement safer streets for all Philadelphians especially bikers and pedestrians. The senseless and preventable deaths need to end."

-Rachael A. 7 months ago

"I have experienced many near-accidents with careless drivers while trying to ride safely in the city. Parking in the bike lanes is completely disruptive and eliminates the point of even having them. It’s unfair and unsafe for cyclists AND drivers. We need safer bike lanes with protective barriers, we need more bike lanes, and we need better enforcement of drivers before someone else is hurt or killed."

-Samantha C. 7 months ago

"Cyclists don’t deserve to feel like their lives are at risk getting from point A to point B in this city. There are things yall could be doing, and we want them done!"

-Stacie B. 7 months ago

"The death of Barbara Friedes was not an accident; it was manslaughter. You, are responsible for the safety of your constituents and your actions and that of the car driver have resulted in her death. It's time for you to take action and make bike lanes a priority. The lives of bicyclists are at stake here, and their blood is on you."

-Ellie F. 7 months ago

"Paint and plastic are not protection! This cyclist was following all the rules of the road and was still killed due reckless and aggressive driving, which is encouraged by city policies that continue to prioritize cars over people. Enough is enough. The people of Philadelphia deserve to be able to safely walk and bike in our own city without fearing for lives."

-Casey V. 7 months ago

"We demand safer streets for pedestrians and bikers. This includes cement barriers or restructuring streets for parking barrier bike lanes. Also, we demand a stricter enforcement of traffic violations to prevent reckless driving."

-Emily M. 7 months ago

"It is past time for safer streets in Philadelphia. We should be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to safety improvements"

-Aaron B. 7 months ago

"I am a biking commuter and everyday I must navigate cars and trucks parked in the bike lane making it unsafe for me to ride. Even today, I watched a SEPTA bus knock over a slew of flexi posts along the bike lane on 13th & Market. Philly is the perfect size for biking and the safety of cyclist should be paramount. Please invest in permanent cycling infrastructure for your constituents."

-Averi A. 7 months ago

"Please commit to making cycling infrastructure safe and accessible to cyclists- NOT accessible to vehicles. The current infrastructure is downright unacceptable; no one should ever, ever have to fear for their life while simply commuting to work or enjoying a bike ride. Being in near-accidents every single day and witnessing absolutely unsafe driving behavior should NOT be the norm. I commute between Queen Village and the Graduate Hospital/Fitler Square areas and cycle within those areas every day for work. I am perpetually subject to unsafe, dangerous conditions. We ALL are. These conditions should not be, and these deaths never should have happened and should never happen again."

-Julie D. 7 months ago

"I am saddened and angry to learn of the death of a cyclist, a young woman about my age, just two blocks from my house near Rittenhouse Square. We need physically protected bike lanes and better infrastructure to prevent these types of aggressive drivers (of which there are many in Philly!) from swerving into bike lanes and killing people. I’ve seen what bike infrastructure looks like in European cities older than Philly, and I know this type of death is completely preventable with the political willpower to make changes."

-Susan C. 7 months ago

"Please do something to make our streets safer for bikers. Protect the bike lanes on busy streets like Spruce and Pine so we don’t have more preventable deaths in Philadelphia. Please prioritize the safety of bikers and pedestrians and take action. Thank you."

-Jennifer B. 7 months ago

"We need you to take real action on pedestrian and bicyclist safety in this city. Reinvest in Vision Zero ASAP, while also implementing more traffic enforcement. Hire more unarmed public safety officers and actually use them for their intended purpose. Expand public transit options. Disincentivize driving and seriously hold people accountable for reckless behavior which can and does kill. Our citizens are dying needlessly. Let's make this city work for people, not cars."

-Devin G. 7 months ago

"Please protect cyclists in the city. Biking and walking in Philadelphia should be enjoyable and fun. We shop, support, and live in Center City. Bike lanes need to be clearly delineated and protected so that all people can safely bike in the city, getting around quickly and safely and not contributing to traffic and pollution."

-Genny B. 7 months ago

"I demand increased funding and commitment towards Vision Zero. We demand investment in protected bike lanes and connected trail systems for pedestrians and cyclists that are free from cars."

-Ryan Z. 7 months ago

"I was saddened and incensed to hear of the death of Barbara Friedes, the doctor who was killed by a driver while she was bicycling. This is a death that easily could have been prevented by improving bike infrastructure - better protecting the bike lanes that we have now and making new ones. I'm pleading to do something about this - the time for action is now and we needn't suffer another death like this."

-Mark G. 7 months ago

"I live in the 2nd council district and am yearning for leadership from Council President Johnson on this issue. Why has he not called for full funding for Vision Zero? His statement was a good first step but it needs to be followed up with physical concrete separation that protects bike users. The community is engaged and calling for solutions. Council President Johnson, it is time to act! No more traffic deaths!"

-Sam R. 7 months ago

"I work in District 2 at the Navy Yard, and I bike to work everyday. I am ashamed to admit that every time I bike home, I worry it will be my last time. I have to remind myself every time to “be the change you wish to see in the world,” and that’s what keeps me riding my bike. The change I want to see in the world is one where the streets are safe for pedestrians and cyclists, one where I do not have to worry if my next bike ride will be my last, where I can walk through a crosswalk without getting angry at another motorist who rolled through the intersection or is speeding, where I don’t have to be vividly reminded everyday about traffic violence. We have the opportunity to be an example in Philly, but instead, we are far lagging behind peer cities when it comes to safe streets. As your constituent, I urge you to take better care of us. Prioritize safe streets and Vision Zero."

-Alicia S. 7 months ago

"I am sickened by the traffic violence that occurred yesterday in our city. As you know, all traffic deaths are preventable, and it is up to you to implement and fund safe streets projects. Spruce and Pine Streets need real, physical protection to prevent further tragedy. I look forward to your response to this incident and swift action to make our streets safer."

-Adrian L. 7 months ago

Safe Streets Now! - Citywide

113 Submissions So Far!


Recent comments...

"I have lived in many cities in both the US and Europe, and I have never owned a car. Cycling and public transit are the only ways I get around. Philadelphia is one of the scariest places I've lived in this respect because the motorists are so aggressive and there is little to no infrastructure to protect cyclists. Please install concrete barriers for bike lanes to protect cyclists from irresponsible drivers. Also, please ensure that the bike lanes that do exist are not filled with cars by ending permitted parking, changing "No Parking" to "No stopping" signs, and enforcing these measures. These improvements will make the city more accessible to more people by making cycling a safe and green mode of transportation."

-Jaclyn L. 6 months, 2 weeks ago

"I am asking you to take action now to implement safer streets for all Philadelphians. As someone who drives, bikes, and walks in Philadelphia, I see this issue from multiple sides, and I firmly believe that developing infrastructure that slows cars, protects cyclists and pedestrians, and encourages shared roads is the best things for all people. I'm calling on you to demand: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Emily G. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"With charges just announced against the driver who killed Dr. Barbara Friedes, I don't want the City Government to think you can get away without building physical protections to prevent similar tragedies from occuring in the future. Concrete barriers are the only way to protect riders and pedestrians from drunk and reckless drivers. Riders are afraid, we're angry, sad, but mostly we're just trying to get home safely. Incidents like the one which killed Dr. Friedes occur far more often then you think they do. Just this past week, I was nearly hit by a driver decided to run a red light. In the past week, I've seen countless drivers decide to park in unprotected bike lanes, and several times drivers decide to overtake traffic in unprotected bike lanes - the last decision which led to the killing of Dr. Friedes. Riders and pedestrians need concrete protections now. Very Respectfully, Kimee"

-Kimberlee M. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"Please put an end to preventable cyclist and pedestrian deaths. Please install permanent concrete protection for the bike lanes, stop allowing cars to stop or park in bike lanes, and provide physical protection at intersections for pedestrians and cyclists."

-Shawn B. 6 months, 3 weeks ago

"I live in Wissahickon...on Wed..,7/17....I was part of a meeting I had requested asking for PERMANENT SOLID PROTECTED bike lane on the Ridge Ave hill where 2 bicyclists have been hit....1 bicyclist had 23 broken bones and has never ridden again, the other was a hit and a run last year and hospitalized for 4 days. Our NW neighborhoods have more bike commuters who use the SRT as well as more families biking. We need more protection. The WTC is a major hub for Transit to all sections of the City......many bike to the WTC & put their bike on transit....I know i do."

-Suzanne H. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I am writing to demand safer streets. Like many Philadelphians, I do not own a car and I rely on public transportation, walking, and bicycling to get around. I deserve to be just as safe on the streets as people in cars are. I am calling on city council and the mayor's office to prioritize the following: * Immediate installation of permanent concrete protection for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. 1) The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. 2) Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. 3) Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. Please honor your commitment to Vision Zero so that we can all be safe."

-Amelia M. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"No one should have to risk their life to bike or walk in the city. Philadelphia needs to focus on safe streets, improving public transit, and reducing aggressive driving. Streets should be redesigned wherever possible to prioritize buses, cyclists and pedestrians over cars. PBA's demands and the goals of Vision Zero are a good start."

-Allyson C. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I am emailing to express my concern and anger regarding the lack of bike lane protection in the city. Dr. Friedes' death was entirely preventable, and if the city doesn't do something about this issue, more cyclists will continue to be injured or hit by cars. I urge you to fulfill the following: 1. Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. 2. The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. 3. Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. 4. Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Lora A. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"As a concerned, invested and most importantly a loving Philadelphian I am writing to you today to strongly request that you take action now to implement safer streets for all Philadelphians. In line with Philly Bike Action’s demands for action, I am imploring you to: 1) Install, immediately, permanent concrete protection barriers for bike lanes across the City, including Spruce, Pine and Allegheny. 2) End bike lane parking permits for Spruce and Pine. 3) Update regulations so “no parking” in bike lane becomes “no stopping”. 4) Update design standards to make physical protections at intersections the standard for pedestrians and people on bikes. Since beginning Vision Zero traffic related deaths and injuries have actually risen in the City, so clearly, something needs to change. As leaders, you need to think about what will make Philly a thriving urban environment and build towards that vision. Cars have a place, but they are on the fringe. It’s time to build a city that is finally safe for human centric transit systems."

-Blake C. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I commute by bike to work every day in Center City. Drivers and even police frequently don’t know the rules governing cycling and with that ignorance comes frustration and anger towards cyclists. I frequently encounter cars double parked or sometimes just driving in the bike lane and then I’m forced to exit the bike lane making me a less predictable commuter to other drivers. My wife has enough horror stories and near misses on her bike commute that I bought her a camera to record her rides should anything happen to her there would at least be a record for the authorities. With Barbara’s death last week, I’m considering a camera myself for the same reasons. It shouldn’t have to be this way. Cars have an outsized presence in our city. It’s scaled for people powered transit yet cars think they can do whatever they want on any paved surface and are in many cases not held liable for auto-involved deaths. We are willing to share the road. We take up far less space but we do require safeguards from rogue drivers. The path to a more resilient future will not be solely electric cars, it needs to be multimodal and include human powered transportation infrastructure. Make it so. Let us know how we can help."

-Jason C. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"Many drivers in this city are reckless and insane behind the wheel. I live on Fairmount Ave. and have seen reckless, speeding drivers on more than one occasion, race each other, cross the double-yellow line to pass each other (one then the other, like a kids' cartoon), in the middle of the day. They use the bike lane for their angry, aggressive maneuvers. I say yes to hard structured bike lane barriers. But we also need to consider banning motorized vehicles in the city or, to start with, in center city. Let busses and taxis, bikes and pedestrians enter the protected area, but no private cars. Many people obviously can't be trusted with cars. Yet, we are continuously acting as if they can. Thank you for taking meaningful action."

-Jennifer T. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"No more preventable deaths! Time to act is now!"

-Adam S. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"These action demands for safer streets for bike riders are PAST DUE! I beg you not to wait for the next injury or worse! The streets of Philadelphia were not originally designed for cars and NEED to be revamped to provide safety for other modes of transportation, especially bike ing and walking!"

-Christina L. 6 months, 4 weeks ago

"I know we can't fix the bad drivers over night but we can add protection for everyone else from them."

-Dajanaye R. 7 months ago

"I ride a bike in the city almost every day, and almost every day I have to actively dodge distracted drivers on their phones, impatient drivers passing too close and blasting through intersections, and drivers who are just flat-out aggressive. Just earlier this week a city-owned vehicle almost hit me, TWICE, crossing over an unprotected bike lane. No one should have to feel like they are routinely risking their life to get from point A to point B. No one should be prohibited from choosing a healthy, sustainable, and affordable way to get around because they fear for their safety. We need immediate, permanent improvements in physical safety infrastructure, and ongoing investment in strategies to protect cyclists and pedestrians, incentivize sustainable transportation options, and promote a civic culture where everyone feels safe and welcome on the streets. We've seen over and over again that this is a life or death situation. Do something about it. Prove that protecting your constituents’ lives is a priority—and not just the ones in cars."

-TJ H. 7 months ago

"Take action and take responsibility! We demand: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. Help our community!!!"

-Natalia N. 7 months ago

"Hello, I am a resident of Logan Square and my main mode of transit is via a bicycle. I am in shock that yet another bicyclist has been murdered by reckless driving and calling it an "accident" and making comments that the driver is "elderly" is not helpful for a safer Philadelphia community. I personally have had a few close calls with cars including one a mere two/three weeks ago where a driver screaming at me "WANNA DIE?" as he cut me off to speed through a red light. But it doesn't need to be this way. How many bicyclists need to die before real change takes place? Putting up a show that there are "protected" (which by the way, cars generate a lot of force and can blow through flimsy plastic quite easily) bike lanes is not useful. We need physical separation of bike lanes and car lanes. And we needed it a long time ago. We also need to end the ludicrous deals that have been made with places of worship. They are using construction permits to allow their congregation to park in bike lanes. Which forces bicyclists OUT of bike lanes to merge with traffic which is incredibly dangerous to the bicyclists. This practice should be illegal. Both council members AND churches should know that trading convenience (for their congregation) for safety is very very wrong. Heck, i'm sure there's something in pretty much every religious text about the sanctity of human life, right? Why is that suddenly not spoken of when churches need convenience? Please make Philadelphia safer for its residents. We demand: 1. Physical separation of bike and car lanes 2. Serious penalties for violators 3. End of construction permits to church congregation 4. Change "loading zone" and "no parking" to "no stopping" zones Thank you."

-Neil C. 7 months ago

"Stop the deaths!"

-Sarah R. 7 months ago

"We need fully protected (curb stops or jersey barries) bike lanes on all major corridors with bike lanes spanning the city, we need daylighting at intersections along with actual enforcement against cars blocking drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists view of intersections, we need road diets and traffic calming measures not just automated speed cameras, we need to fully fund public transit and vision zero, and cut the red tape holding public safety project up for years even decades. I’m calling on your leadership here to do so immediately. We have 4x the number or traffic deaths as our peer cities and that is simply not acceptable."

-Scott M. 7 months ago

"Philadelphia was just named "most walkable city in the US" for the 2nd year in a row which is hard to believe when we have had 86 pedestrians murdered in our streets since 2023. I'm extremely disappointed in Mayor Parker's response to the pedestrian accidents that have happened this week. She not only ignored the problem and lacked empathy of the death of Dr Freid in her speech, but took it as opportunity to brag about installing traffic cameras in a dew streets. THIS DOES NOT HELP PEDESTRIANS. Extremely tone deaf, Cherelle. You have gutted the budget for Vision Zero, while expanding the budget of your office. The public is taking notice, we are not blind. We demand action and safety for pedestrians to coexist in this city. Your apathy is disappointing and upsetting. We are calling on YOU and our city council to demand: * Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny. * The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine. * Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”. * Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe. WE demand a better response to these incidents to make our streets safer for adults, children and the elderly. Do something about it, Cherelle or prepare for reckoning at the polls in 2027."

-Mitchell S. 7 months ago

"Hello. I am one of your constituents and as someone directly affected by vehicular violence in this city, I demand immediate installation of permanent concrete protection for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny, the end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine, re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”, and physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe."

-Kendi O. 7 months ago

"When our family moved to Center City, we sold out minivan and upgraded our bicycles, only to find out we can rarely go a block by bike without a car or delivery van blocking the bicycle lanes. This makes it unsafe for us and disruptive for cars as we enter the main lane of traffic. Please prohibit parking in bike lanes on Spruce and Pine by installing concrete barriers and having cars park next to that, like on Market Street near City Hall. Please regulate all bike lanes to tell motorists there will be no stopping in bike lanes. With more bike safety will come more bicyclists, e-bikes, and scooters. Plan ahead by investing in bike safety now."

-André D. 7 months ago

"Our bike lanes being illegally parked in or being offered parking permits for parking is unacceptable. Our citizens deserve safe travel, be it by car or train or bicycle."

-Tara R. 7 months ago

"Creating safe biking infrastructure is a public health issue. It is a shame to lose valued community members to violence against cyclists. Safe streets now and always."

-Jennifer H. 7 months ago

"People deserve safe streets. There are reasonable, researched ways to make this happen. Representatives need to do their jobs and protect people."

-Alicia J. 7 months ago

"Safe streets now!"

-Aaron Z. 7 months ago

"Dear Mayor, OTIS, and councilmembers, The news of the bicyclist fatality on Spruce strikes me hard. I am a constituent and a bicycle commuter, and I am always wary of my safety because of the times I have been hit or had extremely close calls. I will vote for politicians who prioritize safety over traffic flow, not the other way around. We cannot have a safe or green and clean Philly if we are prioritizing a steady flow of vehicles that are capable of killing people. Just last month a pedestrian was killed crossing Broad Street right where I get groceries, and I have always felt scared exiting that place. It's a nightmare. We shouldn't have to risk our lives just to get from A to B on our streets. Concrete protected bike lanes and bike signals at intersections are what keep me safe, not speed cameras alone. Your constituent, Kari Kling"

-Kari K. 7 months ago

"Pedestrian and cyclist deaths are 100% preventable. You are choosing to allow innocent Philadelphians, your constituents, to die for fear of upsetting a tiny fraction of the population who values their privileged "convenience" of continued car dependent infrastructure over the lives of their neighbors. Defunding Vision Zero is a tragedy. If you truly wish to make Philadelphia "Clean and Green" fund street trees and parklets, and eliminate excess parking lots/spaces. If you truly wish to make "PHL Open for Business" fund fully separated protected bike lanes and pedestrianized streets in every district. Study after study continues to demonstrate the astronomical economic boon to businesses located next to bike lanes and in pedestrianized areas. If you truly wish to convey that a "Sense of Lawfulness" has returned to this city stop pretending that paint and plastic is protection for pedestrians and cyclists. End the epidemic of reckless driving by building Dutch style intersections and embark on an infrastructure renaissance for this city. Make Philadelphia a place to arrive at and spend time in, not drive through."

-Jason K. 7 months ago

"It is critical to invest in traffic calming measures immediately. Proven strategies like speed humps, raised crosswalks, bike lanes, road narrowing, and daylighting intersections can significantly reduce vehicle speeds and accidents, protecting both pedestrians and cyclists. These measures save lives, promote healthier lifestyles, improve air quality, and foster community. Long-term, they also reduce emergency response and healthcare costs while increasing property values. Prioritizing these initiatives is essential for our safety. People are dying."

-Patrick K. 7 months ago

"Over the last 10 years, I have lived in a number of cities across the United States as well as abroad. By far the most dangerous situations I have experienced as a cyclist, pedestrian, and driver have occurred on Philly streets. I am ashamed that it has taken the horrific killings of a pedestrian and cyclist on July 17th for me to speak out, but I think it is clear from the public response to these events that the feeling of unsafety as a pedestrian and cyclist in Philadelphia is the norm, not the exception. We deserve a plan that lays out proactive, effective measures for protecting pedestrians and cyclists from motor vehicles; not paint, plastic posts, and unenforced traffic regulations."

-Eva B. 7 months ago

"I support fully protected bike lanes now!"

-Stephanie V. 7 months ago

"The deaths of the pedestrians in Kennsington and Rittenhouse, and the hit run that left a woman in critical condition were all preventable. You have allowed drivers to control our streets. The roads in Philly are lawless and as a result too many people have lost their lives or been hurt. The vehicle homicides that occured this week will continue if you don't make changes to our roads. I'm so tired of drivers making left turns to cut me off while I'm crossing the street, run red light, speed down my 25 mile and hour street at 65 mph. Please do something."

-Maryte P. 7 months ago

"As a Philly citizen and avid cyclist, who also commutes via bike from Germantown to center city, I am ABHORRED by the lack of care and concern of both the Park administration and members of council in protecting cyclists from traffic violence. In addition to the embarrassing and horrendously callous decision to cut/halt funding for Vision Zero, the lack of addressing rampant traffic violators is creating incredibly dangerous conditions for EVERYONE. Multiple times a day on my commutes I witness drivers disregard stop signs, red lights, illegal passing, parking and driving in bike lanes, and even pulling around multiple cars stopped at red lights to run the light. And yet, no traffic laws are ever enforced. Too many people have died at the hands of reckless drivers without any consequence for those violators. While I am not a carceral person, drivers who hit and kill people through careless/unsafe driving absolutely need to be held accountable, and not allowed to walk away freely from the act of killing another human. Safe bike and pedestrian infrastructure needs to be a priority in a large city. The Parker administration supposedly wants to make Philly Streets safer. Start with addressing traffic violence."

-Corrie T. 7 months ago

"Good afternoon, I would like to know what your office is going to do to prevent traffic violence moving forward? Please let me know how I can assist with accomplishing vision zero by 2030. As of now, we are not on track. Given that a chief resident at chop was just murdered in the streets of the city you run. Very respectfully, Carl Christoph"

-Carl C. 7 months ago

"The death of the cyclist this week at 18th and Spruce has been huge news in the city due to the absolute senselessness of it, as well as the fact that unfortunately it surprised absolutely no one. These types of tragic deaths happen far too often in the city, and they could be prevented with better infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists. A city like Philadelphia should absolutely not cater to drivers to the extreme that it does while putting everyone else's lives at risk. The city needs traffic calming measures, protected bike lanes, and consequences for the reckless drivers who put everyone else's lives at risk every day. All of us are urging you to please advocate and make changes for all of your constituents, not just those who drive."

-Stacie P. 7 months ago

"I go into the city at least once a week and I see people riding their bikes on the sidewalk because 1) there are no lanes or 2) because car park in the bike lanes. There has to be more parking enforcement inside the center city district"

-Bill R. 7 months ago

"The city should compensate me for my damaged vehicle or fix the pot holes."

-Samantha A. 7 months ago

"Every pedestrian and cyclist death due to a vehicle is preventable. It is your duty as our elected officials to support safe passage on our streets. How many lives is an extra parking space worth? Protected bike lanes and curb separators NOW."

-Jennifer W. 7 months ago

"Paint on roads and floppy plastic. Won't stop an out of control car or negligent driver. If you invest in long term safe planning for cycling infrastructure your city will be improved. More people will cycle. Lives will be better and not in danger. And make roadworkers properly fill and relay the holes in the road that they leave and make riding so dangerous here."

-Matt P. 7 months ago

"The recent killing of a cyclist and pedestrian have prompted me to write. I urge you to reinstate funding to Vision Zero and construct protected bike lanes on Spruce and Pine Streets. The Spruce and Pine St bike lanes must be immediately upgraded with concrete curb separation. These measures will save lives. By cutting funding to Vision Zero, the Mayor and City Council have signaled they are willing to have cyclists and pedestrians injured and killed in this city. Only concrete curb separation, bollards, and traffic calming measures can protect vulnerable street users. It is imperative you protect lives with these measures."

-Dominic G. 7 months ago

"Bike lanes should be for bicyclists. And they should be protected. Period. I am a bicycle commuter who lives at 49th and Locust. I use the Pine and Spruce St bike lanes every day when I go to work in Center City. The tragic and preventable death of Barbara Friedes is heartbreaking and highlights the need for better safety for cyclists. I am often riding my bike home on that same block the same time that Ms. Friedes was killed. It could've been me. Bicycling is a fun and great for physical health and the environment. We have to do better as a city to make it as safe as possible."

-Stephen P. 7 months ago

"I frequently bike from Manayunk into Old City and there are constantly cars parked in the bike lanes which requires entry into the main car lane to get around them. I have been hit and almost get hit all the time while in dedicated bike lanes by cars swerving into the bike lane to avoid potholes, parking cars, trash trucks, and not using turn signals at intersections. Bike lanes are supposed to be where bikes can travel without worrying about getting hit by cars. As shown this week by the tragedy on Spruce Street, the bike lanes as they exist today are not even safe for bicyclists when they are not obstructed. The city needs to create physical barriers that prevent cars driving and parking in bike lanes so that they can protect the lives of everyone."

-Nora S. 7 months ago

"It makes me sick how unsafe biking in this city is! People move to the city to have more walkability and use other modes of transportation than driving a car. Do better! Do SOMETHING!"

-Caroline K. 7 months ago

"We need curb separated bike lanes now, especially for Spruce and Pine streets, as well as the entire high quality bicycle network that the city has publicized. We can also add more loading zones in place of existing parking where needed, but bike lanes should be fully protected from all car traffic, parking, and loading. There is simply not enough space in the city for everyone to drive and park for all trips. It is also incredibly expensive for Philadelphians to own a car. We need high quality alternative options. Walking, biking, and transit are far more spatially efficient and affordable options, but they only work safely and effectively together if we as a city prioritize greater investment into those modes in terms of funding but also physically separated space."

-Daniel P. 7 months ago

"As a biker who lives off of Spruce St in west philly I know all too well the fear of someone driving into the bike lane, getting doored by a parked car, or having to move into the traffic lane because someone is double parked and blocking the bike lane. These risks could be eliminated by installing actual protected bike lane infrastructure, instead of paint. If we want to increase cycling mode share and decrease dependence on cars we need to make biking safer. No one deserves to die because they are biking."

-Allie H. 7 months ago

"I love the city of brotherly love, yet we do not feel the love. Philly has the potential to be a safe and the best bike city in the U.S. But how many more lives will it take for all of you to see it. The people here are craving to ride bikes and better alternatives for transportation. It doesn’t take much to make an infrastructure for bikes. It is cheaper and hell it’s way easier to maintain. If you build it people will use it. So, please! Stop killing us. We beg you!"

-Humberto S. 7 months ago

"Philadelphia needs safe bike infrastructure. There are so many proven solutions and examples to look towards. I bike everywhere in the city and we need to prioritize safer streets. Fund Vision Zero, invest in concrete curb separation and other protected bike lane methods"

-Karen O. 7 months ago

"I own a small cycling based business and work for a major international cycling company (I convinced them to open an office here) and nearly everyday I think about leaving the city because of that lack of care and attention our city government pays to cyclists."

-Marzhel P. 7 months ago

"I commute down Spruce and Pine on a bicycle. We need protection to be safe!"

-Ian S. 7 months ago

"Please institute proven measures to improve cyclist and pedestrian safety now. Traffic violence is preventable and all Philadelphians deserve to travel safely. I am a physician who commutes by bike to work at CHOP daily; we must do this for the good of our entire community. Let no more lives be lost."

-Lisa W. 7 months ago

"We experienced horrific avoidable tragedies this week due to reckless driving that is running rampant in our city. We need a fundamental shift in our toxic relationship with cars and it needs to start with the city. The two people that were killed by cars were either in a designated bike lane or on a sidewalk! The mayor’s departure from vision zero is a blow to the safety of everyone in the city. We need more separate infrastructure for cyclists and effective speed mitigation efforts to be put forth. Automated speed cameras are a start, but too many of the roads in Philadelphia do not truly dictate the speed at which cars can go. We need to see a strong change in the safety of our streets."

-Ag M. 7 months ago

"We are tired of reckless drivers taking innocent lives. We need safe, protected bike lane now. Plastic flex posts and paint are not safe bike infrastructure."

-Yoko T. 7 months ago

"Cyclists are our community members, wives, husbands, partners, children, parents, doctors, city workers, friends, teachers, and everything else. It’s a shameful commentary on the city of Philadelphia to not keep them safe."

-Erica S. 7 months ago

"Please act to prevent more deaths of cyclists! My daughter is a cyclist living in District 5 and I am more scared now than when she rode the streets 10 years ago. It seems that the number of cyclists killed has increased instead of decreased! Why aren't cyclist's lives valued the same as motorists?"

-Marion W. 7 months ago

"This is preventable. We know exactly what the solutions are. Refusing to implement them is admitting that the convenience of a driver to flout traffic laws because they know they won’t be caught is just asking them to do this again. We need immediate action."

-John W. 7 months ago

"Our city has 3x more traffic deaths than New York City despite being less than 20% of its size in population. We need safe cycling infrastructure NOW. I shouldn’t have to fear for my life every time I go out to run, ride my bike, or walk my dogs. Traffic violence destroys families and communities. This will be the reason I leave Philadelphia after living here for 14 years."

-Andrew S. 7 months ago

"It is a travesty we keep having to wait for people to die before we protect them. Philadelphia needs to be for people, not for cars. Pedestrian deaths are entirely preventable, and not doing anything about it makes you complicit in the injuries and deaths that occur. You have the power and means to protect people and while you are already too late, starting now is better than never."

-Rylee C. 7 months ago

"This tragic accident happened two blocks from my business, where I repair bikes for people who are hit by cars every god damn day. I am emotionally exhausted of seeing these poor and innocent cyclists injured and traumatized and bringing me their ruined bicycles at the same time. All of these accidents are wholly unnecessary, and the drivers seldom walk away injured, and they never learn the weight of the trauma they cause, and they go on causing us more and more and more trauma and it's not right. We sacrifice safety, comfort, and convenience so everyone else can enjoy cleaner air while we suck down fumes from car drivers who don't even see us as humans. Philadelphia could be the poster child for a city that takes cyclist and traffic law seriously, and instead it's the face of everything wrong with transportation in the United States. THROW US A LIFELINE AND GIVE US REAL INFRASTRUCTURE, GIVE US EVERYTHING THE CITY CAN AFFORD!"

-Robert C. 7 months ago

"We demand action! I ride my bike from Brewerytown to my job at Comcast Monday-Friday. By doing this, I reduce emissions and traffic in the city we all live in. My city and the drivers do not protect me as I do this. As I ride down Pennsylvania Ave past our beautiful art museum, drivers run lights, squeeze me off the road, and cross the bike lane erratically and without signaling. I pray my colleagues at work do not have to mourn me the way CHOP is mourning their colleague. I wear my helmet, follow the rules, and my chances of murder by a car are the same as Dr. Friedes without traffic calming measures and physical bike lane barriers!"

-Rachael S. 7 months ago

"I've been a bike commuter for 15 years and I've been hit 3 times while I was in a non protected bike lane. Most recently I was almost hit while a car cut across two lanes of traffic to make a left turn on the chestnut bridge. I fear for my life while trying to get off of the spruce Street bridge onto the SRT. I shouldn't have to fear for my life when I commute to work!! Biking on spruce and pine streets has always been a safety issue. It is insane we allow cars to park in a bike lane!It's time we change this. I demand protected bike lanes. I demand more ways to ensure cars are not driving at high speeds. No more bike or pedestrian deaths by cars. This is preventable with the right infrastructure!"

-Natasha S. 7 months ago

"Listening to the story of Barbara Friedes is heart breaking. We needed protected bike lanes yesterday and we need them moving forward more now than ever. The lack of inaction made the tragedy last night inevitable. The cyclist community has been clear that streets are not safe enough cyclist. It’s common to have to weave around ~10 cars on my commute home in the Spruce St bike lane. That’s in addition to having to be concerned about reckless and aggressive drivers on Spruce and over the Walnut St bridge. Inaction is unacceptable please reconsider taking further action create truly protected bike lanes."

-Kevin S. 7 months ago

"Safer streets now!"

-Andreina M. 7 months ago

"All too often, pedestrians and cyclists are killed on our streets, and these deaths are not treated with the same level of outrage as those resulting from gun violence. A preventable death is just that—a preventable death. These latest tragedies could have been prevented by simple infrastructure, which has been successfully implemented around the world. Why haven’t we built any? Are our lives not worth the expense? Our lives are in YOUR hands. No one deserves to die on our streets, so it is up to you, the elected officials, to protect us. WILL YOU?"

-Jaquan C. 7 months ago

"Cleaner, greener, safer means safe streets for all! Fund Vision Zero now. I am so sick of waking up to another pedestrian or cyclist death. Do your jobs and protect us. No more bike deaths! No more pedestrian deaths! No more traffic violence!"

-Alicia S. 7 months ago

"Funding for Vision Zero and protected bike infrastructure is needed now in Philly. No more bicyclists killed by drivers of cars. All of these deaths are avoidable and enough is enough. Bicyclists and pedestrians should not have to live in fear while utilizing the streets of our city. Action now!"

-Cory W. 7 months ago

"On Wednesday July 17th, a person on a bicycle was hit and killed by the driver of a car speeding through the unprotected bike lane on Spruce St. We are seeing the consequences of the City’s decision to leave these bike lanes unprotected and ignore the needs of vulnerable road users. Currently there is nothing stopping anyone from driving on, parking on, or crashing their car and killing a person in these bike lanes. Only concrete curb separation, permanent bollards, and traffic calming measures (like speed bumps) can protect vulnerable street users. Paint and flex posts only provide the illusion of safety. The Spruce and Pine St bike lanes must be immediately upgraded with concrete curb separation. I also urge the city to reinstate their commitment to Vision Zero by increasing the budget for making pedestrian and bicycle facilities safer for all."

-Kate O. 7 months ago

"Philadelphia lags behind its peer cities in pedestrians safety. As elected leaders, your constituents' safety should be a top priority. Please take action to protect cyclists and pedestrians."

-Kalyani K. 7 months ago

"How many lives must be lost before we see action on implementing safer streets for all Philadelphians? Doesn’t seem like the most vulnerable road users matter at all!"

-Chris V. 7 months ago

"Dear Office of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Sustainability, I am asking you to withdraw the bike lane parking permits used by congregations on Spruce and Pine Streets. These permits are a risk to people currently biking along these streets and deny a safe place to ride for those who would like to bike here. Alternatives to bike lane parking exist. I encourage you to work with the congregations currently requesting permits to find those alternatives once the permits are withdrawn. Additionally I would like to see more protected bike paths throughout the city of Philadelphia. As someone who bikes to work this is a great concern to me."

-Emmanuel J. 7 months ago

"Dear Mayor and members of City Council! Pls renew your commitment to Vision Zero, we need a safe bike infrastructure in Philadelphia. The recent deaths should refocus and accelerate the efforts. Given current efforts to force people back into the city center for their office jobs, we should at least create safe commuting pathways for everyone. A lot of people do not feel safe to ride a bike in Philly in light of the unsafe infrastructure and a lack of enforcement of even the most ludicrous traffic violations. Every main bike route should have curb separated bike lanes for a safer and greener future in Philadephia!"

-Marcel S. 7 months ago

"Today, we mourn three tragic, preventable deaths. Their names are added to hundreds of other cyclists and pedestrians killed and injured by drivers. Drivers who were selfish, impaired, rushed and distracted. Please respond to our grief and anger by changing city law to protect cyclists and pedestrians. Please fund Vision Zero. We demand safe streets now."

-Catherine T. 7 months ago