Philly Bike Action!

Demand Safer Streets

Use this form to draft a letter to:

- Mark Squilla, District 1 Councilmember
- Anne Kelly, Mark's Chief-of-Staff
- Mayor Cherelle Parker
- OTIS, Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems

Asking them to take action now to implement safer streets for all Philadelphians.

We are calling on them to demand:

* Immediate installation of **permanent concrete protection** for bike lanes across Philadelphia including Spruce, Pine, and Allegheny.
* The end of bike lane parking “permits” for Spruce and Pine.
* Re-regulation of all “No Parking” in bike lanes to “No Stopping”.
* Making physical protection at intersections the design default to keep pedestrians and people on bikes safe.

Take some time to share these demands in your own words.

Your comment, which will be displayed on the campaign page

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This is a preview of the email that will be sent when you submit:

Subject:No More Traffic Deaths, Safer Streets Now!,,
From: <>

Dear Mayor Parker and Councilmember Squilla,

