Philly Bike Action!

Market St Bridge Detour Needs Bicycle Safety Improvements

PennDOT is rehabilitating Market St Bridge which will result in a 15 month closure of Market St and a 3 month closure of the SRT.

Philly Bike Action has been continually advocating for better safety accommodations for people on bicycles during the detour, especially on Walnut St Bridge and 23rd St.

This page will continually be updated as our work develops.

August 2024

Philly Bike Action sends the following feedback calling for concrete protection on the entirety of Walnut St Bridge: here.

July 2024

Philly Bike Action calls PennDOT on the phone to confirm the following updates:

23rd St Bike Lane

Walnut St Bridge 

This is a huge victory. PBA's continuous input as a community organization has had an inarguable impact on their plan revisions.

June 2024

Philly Bike Action turned out residents to support a protected bike lane on N 23rd St from Race to Market. Logan Square Neighborhood Association's voted to support the new bike lane!

May 2024

Philly Bike Action attends PennDOT presentation at Center City Residents Association/Fitler Square Neighborhood Association meeting and confirms the following new information:

PennDOT project managers verbally acknowledge (MP4) Philly Bike Action's input on the project by name in the meeting.

Philly Bike Action sends this updated response to PennDOT calling for:

April 2024

Philly Bike Action attends PennDOT presentation at Logan Square Neighborhood Association meeting.

Philly Bike Action listed as a community organization on presentation slide:

Philly Bike Action meets with PA House Representative Ben Waxman seeking support on the issue of better safety accommodations for bike users during this detour. PennDOT updates it's project website with the following revised project documents:

Philly Bike Action creates a project timeline graphic to help explain the stages.

Philly Bike Action sends this response document to PennDOT.

It becomes clear that not only is the Walnut St Bridge temporary detour bike lane unprotected, but the planned permanent design lacks protection over the river. Philly Bike Action expands it's goals to make sure the final design has adequate protection.

March 2024

Philly Bike Action becomes aware of PennDOT's Market St Bridge Rehabilitation Project, which would detour cars and bike riders onto 23rd St and Walnut St bridge.

Click here for PennDOT's detour plan that was publicly available at that time. This was the only document available to the public at this time and included no information about bicycle protection plans.

Philly Bike Action sent this response document (PDF) to PennDOT project managers calling for:

PennDOT/AECOM project managers respond with the following clarifications:

Take Action

If you live in CCRA (south Center City west of Broad) or LSNA (north Center City west of Broad), you can email your neighborhood association to express your support for a protected bike lane on 23rd St during this detour.