This campaign has been completed.
Tell OTIS you support a 3rd Street Bike Lane from South St to Market St! Make your voice heard at the open house on March 6 anytime between 6–7:30 PM at Old Pine Community Center (401 Lombard St). It’s critical that OTIS hear from community members that support this project.
RSVP for March 6.
A 3rd Street bike lane would:
Multiple community organizations, including Queen Village Neighbors Association, Delancey Square Town Watch, and Old City District, have requested traffic calming on 3rd Street because of speeding and reckless driving.
But some neighbors are working to stop OTIS from building the bike lane. That’s why we need you to:
This petition is co-sponsored by:
I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street.
Recent comments...
"I bike between south Philly and old city frequently this bike lane would be great for the safety of the city!"
"More bike lanes is an investment in Philly!"
"Let's promote the health and safety of our community and our planet!"
"This would make my commute SO much safer!!!!"
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"Good for both bikers AND the community!"
"3rd Street is heavily used by bicyclists and would benefit strongly from the addition of a protected bike lane segment!"
"As an immediate neighbor and frequent bicyclist, I fully support the installation of a protected bike lane on 3rd Street. This will make biking in our city safer and save lives. We are an avid biking city and we need more protected bike paths."
"We need more protected bike lanes!"
"I support this! Bike lanes make streets safer and save lives."
"After biking in Philly as my main way of getting around for over 10 years, I have stopped because cars do not respect people on bikes. Adding more bike lanes will give bike riders designated places for them to ride where they will be safer on the road and, hopefully, get Philly car drivers back to respecting bike riders."
"This would be a win for all residents!"
"We need this bike lane to make it safer for bikes and pedestrians in Old City. This is an important tourist district for the city!"
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"This will help keep bikers safe and will help alleviate crowding on the 57 Septa bus route!"
"I fully support this! Very important especially as the population grows in the city."
"3rd street is a frequently used thoroughfare for many bicycle commuters. especially north of market it can be so dangerous since there are cars parked on both sides. south of market, 3rd street is absolutely wide enough to accommodate bike lanes! safer streets for everyone!"
"We need to start making better bike lanes in our city using concrete barriers etc. I’m tired of seeing people getting injured because vehicles are driving at excessive speeds are careless towards pedestrians and bicyclists"
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"Yes, please! We desperately need more bike lanes to create a safer network and make it a more feasible mode of transportation for more people. This would be a great place for an additional bike lane! Also, the extra benefits of safer and quieter streets for everyone who lives, travels, or spends time near this road will improve the quality of life for so many people!"
"More Bike lanes and safe pedestrian areas make for a thriving city"
"Protected bike lanes are necessary to keep pedestrians and cyclists safe."
"I would bike more if I was protected by a concrete barrier"
"I fully support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street. The more safe bike lanes we have, the more people will bike and less vehicles we have on the road."
"Sharrowa aren't bike lanes. Increasing Phillys bikability is a vital quality of life issue for ALL Philadelphians."
"Please support the 3rd street bike lane. I travel on my bike daily on third street to get to Spruce to get to work"
"I’m a resident of 3rd street and fully support this project. I cannot believe there is opposition to a bike lane that will protect lives. I’m not currently a biker but might consider it if there was better protection"
"People don’t own the street near their home. Public infrastructure improvements such as bike lanes are important for the city and should be implemented. The plans to block loading spots are more than sufficient to allow access for delivery vehicles. The bike lanes will organize and tame the current traffic speeding on 3rd.The city will need to enforce traffic laws for this to function as intended."
"I bike frequently through old city to go south and would love to have a clear bike lane!"
"I am a regular biker in South Philly and value these bike lanes."
"I work in Northern Liberties and often bike to and from Old City for events, shopping, errands, etc. It's easy to bike down 2nd Street because of the protected bike lane but often not a safe way to bike back up north. I often bike north on 3rd anyway because it's convenient, doesn't cross I-676 in a weird way and has other amenities I visit. I 100% support a safe, protected bike lane option on 3rd St as a Philly resident and bicyclist that visits Old City regularly by bike."
"As a daily cyclist in the city, I am well aware of the benefits of bike lanes for traveling when they are not used as impromptu loading zones."
"Philly always needs more bike lanes! I was hit by a car while I was going south from 2nd and Christian. This city is barely safe for those who drive, let alone those walking or on bikes! Protected bike lanes now!"
"As a resident of this neighborhood, I want a city that is safe and accessible for those who commute in all ways!"
"Let’s do this and make our streets (and city!)safer for people walking, cycling, and driving."
"A bike lane on 3rd St makes the most sense for this neighborhood. There is enough room on 3rd, and there's less traffic than on 5th.I live in Queen Village and sometimes bike, but I also have a car, and I support the bike lane."
"I strongly support a bike lane on this street for the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and drivers"
"As a bike commuter and a driver I absolutely support the addition of this protected bike lane. We need connected and protected bike lanes in the city! (Or at the very least, "share the road" signs and speed bumps!) I know many people who would bike, but do not because they do not feel safe. Help Philly become a safer, quieter, and less polluted city!"
"As a former (and hopefully future) rider, I support more bike lanes"
"More bike Lanes are always good! Can't believe anyone opposes this"
"I want safer streets!"
"Safe streets for all!"
"Let’s all help to keep our neighbors safe!"
"There are not too many safe protected streets to go north from where I live at 4th and Snyder. another protected lane would be great to be able to bike into center city."
"I as a third street resident who rides a bike , I strongly endorse this. I was injured in a bike accident on leave it strip, and the protected bike lane will make all the difference."
"The safety of bicyclists and pedestrians is paramount to the community."
"I use this segment of S. 3rd Street often. A bike lane really needed here to protect cyclists and slow the speeding motor vehicles."
"Bike lane safety now."
"A bike lane on 3rd would provide a really helpful north south connection for those of us who live west of Broad, and rely on Spruce/Pine to get over to the east side of the city. Right now, there is no good way to get to the northern part of Old City from Pine. A dedicated bike lane would make accessing the businesses and shops in Old City much easier."
"I drive on this street A LOT. I never bike on the road. I think a dedicated bike land is GOOD for drivers. It takes away any uncertainty about the need to give bikers lots of room, and it makes car drivers slow the hell down. There are also tons of pedestrians here and a bike land just makes everyone more aware that the downtown roads are not just for cars. It would be even better if it were a protected bike lane (with hard barriers) Thanks!"
"This bike lane would genuinely be so useful - I live in Wash Square West but most of my friends live in either Old City, Northern Liberties, or Fishtown, so I'm coming through this area pretty regularly on my bike. More protected bike infrastructure here would be awesome. This will make bicyclists safer and honestly make things better for drivers too - it's not like I take pleasure in having cars stopped up behind me. Let's all have our own lanes!"
"Protected bike lanes save lives!"
"Commute through here regularly. My ride will be safer with a bike lane."
"3rd St is better for bikes than 5th St"
"Safe lanes for all is only going to make our city better <3"
"Fully in support. Like many others I am often biking down pine and turning onto 3rd to get to old city for theater, shopping, etc. Quite often with kids in tow. 3rd is plenty wide for a bike lane and if you’re on it enough you’ll notice the out of town drivers just don’t realize there’s multiple lanes, causing traffic snarls and speeding. It will 100% help drivers AND bikers to modify this stretch."
"Bike lanes make everyone safer"
"Philadelphia could (and should) be a role model for municipalities across the country with a biking infrastructure leading the way to a Vision Zero reality."
"This bike lane is essential to connecting the Spruce/Pine bike lanes that make up the backbone of east/west bike travel in center city to market street and second street bike lanes. I have friends who work on market street in old city and would love to bike to work from south Philly, but don't because it is still to dangerous. This bike lane makes an important connection to make biking a safe option to people of all skill levels."
"A bike lane will make the road safer for everyone, including pedestrians."
"I very strongly support the building of a bike lane! There are far too many cars on the roads of Philly already, and to make it more dangerous for those who are trying to use an alternative method is asinine."
"keep our cyclist safe"
"I’m a daily bike commuter and I support more and better protected bike lanes."
"Philadelphia is an ideal city to have bike lanes and transit. For decades, a small group of motorists have blocked safer streets for everyone. Please make this happen now, "While we're young!" Paris has done it, Amsterdam has done it, NYC is doing it, even Jersey City has done it. It's time, and with a regressive regime in D.C., we need to act locally and progressively to be a better city for children, for pedestrians, for seniors, for deliveries. Protected Bike Lanes Now! (OH, and double the amount of loading zones per block!) Thank You."
"Born raised in Philadelphia. Care deeply about safe and accessible biz cycle commuting in the city. On October 21, 2024, I was hit by a car and knocked off my bicycle, while I was riding in a designated bike lane. I was going straight ahead, the car was heading in the opposite direction and made a left cross in front of me and knocked me over. This resulted in a complicated wrist fracture requiring surgery. The recovery process has been delayed and is still in progress."
"Better bike infrastructure means less cars on the road!"
"We need a city that is more welcoming and safe for alternative modes of transportation other than cars."
"I travel by bike every day and I support bike lanes. 3rd Street should be on the top of the list. Protected bike lanes make the city safer, cleaner and more livable for everyone. Jerome C."
"We need a connected network of safe bike lanes throughout the city, just like how driver need a connected network of roads, to enable residents and visitors to get where they need to go safely and efficiently! There is a public need for this critical infrastructure and should not be thought of as optional."
"Philadelphia has improved quality of life immensely by adding bicycle lanes. It's good for residents, tourists and businesses. Add specific loading zones for ALL those delivery trucks, enforce bicycle regulations to keep delivery cyclists off sidewalks, and allow bikes to make this an even more liveable city."
"Philadelphia needs safe and efficient bicycle transportation lanes!"
"To get from Queen Village to Northern Liberties, the best, safest route in my opinion is already 3rd street (I've discerned this from years of experience biking to and from). Other streets coincide too much with highway traffic. Let's solidify that by making a real bike lane on 3rd street!"
"I cycle into this neighborhood to visit friends. The protected bike lanes in the city make it safer for cyclists and smoother for cars."
"More bike lanes create a safer city for everyone."
"Save lives. Build more bike lanes."
"I am a daily bike commuter. I frequently take the Spruce bike lane east, then travel north. I often bike from Spruce to Poplar on 3rd St. and I support a bicycle lane on this route. I normally avoid 5th because the cobblestones make it difficult and sometimes dangerous for bicycles (especially in wet and winter conditions), and the 5th street underpass offers minimal protection from vehicles traveling through the tunnel at a high rate of speed. Thank you for your consideration!"
"Please make this city safer for all by adding bike lanes!"
"I've been biking in the city less because I don't feel safe. Please provide this so people like me feel comfortable and compelled to enjoy our great city of Philadelphia on a bicycle."
"As someone who commutes to northern liberties from south Philly 5 days a week, I cant express how wonderful this bike lane would be. Going north through center city is always a bit scary, but being able to go down 3rd st and avoid the cobblestones on 5th between market and chestnut would be a massive improvement. I don't like riding on the sidewalk, but on that block I have to. It would nice to never be in that position again. 3rd street is road a lot of bikers take anyway, I can only see improvements to the neighborhood if we add the bike lane. They make roads safer for everyone- pedestrians, bikers, and drivers alike. We must put the one in, hopefully with barriers!"
"Biking cuts pollution and those who bike deserve to have protected routes for riding"
"I know so many people who don't choose to bike in the city because there are no dedicated bike lanes and they see it as unsafe. This is how you make the change to a safer city."
"A dedicated bike lane on 3rd St will make it a safer place for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers."
"I would use this bike lane to commute to work in Center City, and my kids bike in the city and would use this bike lane to go to rec events."
"This is how you make a livable city! The more people on bicycles, the quieter, safer, cleaner the city will be. There is plenty of room to share this road."
"This would be a significant neighborhood improvement and I support it. Thanks."
"Please build the 3rd St bike lane, this is a great idea!"
"Please help make biking safer in Philly. Thank you"
"I've biked down 3rd street for over a decade and having a dedicated bike lane would make it so much safer!"
"Removing bike lanes in general is one of the dumbest thing you could do if you want your streets to be safe and efficient for everybody, cyclists, pedestrians and motorists alike. Bike lanes will make the city better, and this one is no exception."
"We need MORE bike lanes in Philly to reduce the congestion issues with bike commuting during the busiest parts of the day and decrease the possibility of bike accidents and bike deaths."
"I support the bike lane!"
"I believe bike lanes are very important because some of the drivers in motor vehicles (cars trucks. Etc) are not considerate of bikers, and it makes it a safe way to be able to enjoy biking here in the city. Thank you 😊"
"Though I live in the suburbs now, I was in Philadelphia city resident for many years. How is a bicycle commuter in both the city and suburbs, and appreciate the need for this action."
"One more bike lane is an incentive to attract more bikers into the fold of daily commuters."
"I support the bike lane"
"Pro bike lanes for more choices of transportation in the city!"
"We needs safe streets for all"
"This is a much needed bike lane. Thank you."
"Please protect those of us riding bikes in the city."
"I prefer that the sidewalk be extended to have a raised bike lane as it protects all much better, but I’ll take the stupid sign posts and paint for now. Just maintain them!"
"Want to enjoy a ride around town with my kids safely one day!"
"“Safe streets” means safe for ALL."
"Philadelphia is one of the few cities in the country where you do not need a car to live. This is an exceptional quality that will only grow in importance as the price of cars and insurance continue to rise as a percentage of income. Biking and bike lanes are absolutely critical to the long term prospects of the city. Build the bike lane!"
"I wholeheartedly support providing for safety for all modes of transportation!"
"I live on 3rd and bike but 3rd st is currently way too dangerous to bike on. This is such a great project that needs to happen"
"Keep our streets clean and our bikers safe!! 3rd street bike lane will help save lives<3"
"I am a healthcare worker who bikes up 3rd street every day after work to get back home to Northern Liberties. I would love to see a bike line on this street to make my commute, and everyone else’s safer."
"I bike on this street often and it always feels dangerous. Please help us stay safe with a bike lane!"
"The more bike lines, the more bikes. The more bikes, the less cars. The less cars, the less pollution, congestion, parking problems, and dependence on oil."
"I am a car, bus and bike user living at South and 3rd. The bike lane would greatly benefit all modes of transport, providing traffic calming and safer cyclist roads."
"I am always looking for new bike lanes when I ride in Philly with my wife and friends"
"As a resident of this neighborhood, I wholeheartedly support this bike lane! It will allow for traffic calming on the street, which otherwise is quite wide and poorly marked given its residential nature, it is a valuable connection between other prominent bike lanes, and it may also offer some relief to the often-overcrowded 57 bus route."
"No question, this protected bike lane is essential! All bicyclists need to be safely protected from cars, trucks, buses…motor vehicles."
"The 3rd street bike lane is necessary for everyone's safety - pedestrians, mobility device users, bikers, and drivers. It's also critical for our climate goals. Build it."
"This will significantly improve safety for all road users."
"Speaking from experience, a bike lane on 3rd Street would be a wonderful improvement to the neighborhood! As a home owner, car, and bike owner living in Graduate Hospital I saw the huge benefits to many from a similar bike lane on 22nd Street, and car traffic was actually less stressful for car drivers, too, because you knew where the bicycles were. Thanks!"
"I STRONGLY support this extended bike lane. It will improve bike AND pedestrian experiences, and increase community safety and REAL ESTATE values. Thank you!"
"I support the 3rd street protected bike lane. Bikes need safer streets!"
"Keep riders safe!"
"Not only should there be a bike lane, it should be a protected lane with a physical barrier to ensure safety and provide traffic calming!"
"We need a safe route for cyclists the travel on 3rd Street."
"Protected bike lanes encourage Philadelphians to travel faster through the city than they often can by car, when parking times are considered. In addition, encouraging safe cycling produces health benefits for Philadelphians"
"Bike lanes save lives!"
"Philadelphia needs an improved bike lane network."
"Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! 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Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Do it!!"
"Getting north to old city is so dangerous right now! This bike lane would make that area much safer. Please build it!"
"I ride this street regularly for both access to work as well as shopping and will welcome this improvement. We really need a complete network of bike lanes and other such facilities for many people to choose bicycling. This 3rd Street Lane will be part of that network."
"Cycle lanes make the roads safer and less congested for all road users."
"The more bike lanes the better. I know too many people who have suffered injuries from drivers not paying attention to bikers in the street, myself included!"
"The streets are narrow in Old City and this will help reduce the chance of fatalities"
"Ensure the safety of bikers and pedestrians! Build bike lanes in Philadelphia!"
"GREAT IDEA - totally support the 3rd Street bike lane."
"A bike lane on 3rd St from South to Market would vastly improve my ability to travel from South Philly to Old City safely and confidently. This would open up a new section of the city for me to explore and patronize. A new bike lane is an investment in this community and the health of Philadelphians."
"I love biking and this would make my experience better!"
"I support the 3rd St bike Lane!"
"I support the 3rd St bike lane!"
"I support the 3rd St bike lane."
"Safe roads for all wheels! Connecting safe bike routes across communities has such profound impacts on the City, we can't miss out on these opportunities."
"The city should be made more for pedestrians and cyclists than motor vehicles"
"I am a senior and I do ride my bike on 3rd st., when coming from Pine St. bike lane. It is a dangerous situation to go from Pine to Arch. A bike lane is needed to protect us. All modes of transportation ( pedestrian, bike, public transportation and automobiles) should be taken into account when designing street activity. It shouldn’t be that automobiles are given preference over everybody else."
"Philadelphia needs more and safer bike lanes."
"Putting this bike lane makes travel safer for all!"
"I ride the city a lot and this would be very helpful"
"This makes everyone safer!!"
"This will improve walkability and tourism attraction!"
"I am a resident who regularly uses Third Street to bicycle. I am writing to urge you not to reverse a considered, beneficial decision that already has been made to install a bike lane on Third Street. There is no reason not to add bike lanes to make our city safer for all. Every trip that I and other cyclists take means fewer cars and congestion for everyone else. If we make the bike lanes safer, more residents and visitors will use bikes to get around. Adding a bike lane on Third Street will not remove parking or in any way hurt anybody. The City's design is modest, thoughtful, and proven (through experiences of dozens of other cities) to markedly improve safety and mobility. I'm sure you will hear from other constituents who will say that these common sense solutions are unnecessary or would negatively impact them; perhaps they will not be able to pull right up to their front door or a couple of parking spaces will be lost to loading zones. Please keep in mind that change is always difficult but people adapt easily. For example, a lot of people (including me) were worried when plastic bags were banned, but it was very easy to adapt to the new situation. Please help make lives safer and better for the residents and taxpayers of Philadelphia."
"effective Bike Lanes are good for Philly and its citizens!!"
"Safe bike lanes save lives and reduce pollution."
"Please help ensure our cyclists are safe."
"A bike lane is useless without the network. Once you built a couple, you committed to building more. We won't see any benefits to congestion or safety until a robust network exists, and 3rd St has the space and proximity to be a keystone in that pursuit"
"Dedicated bike lanes make me feel much safer while biking."
"Dedicated bike lanes make the streets safer for everyone."
"Let’s make Philly safer for bikers, pedestrians and drivers!"
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"OTIS, just do the morally correct thing - prioritize protecting people outside of the car! Do we really have to sign petitions, or get community feedback every single time there is a sensible proposal for traffic calming, a bike lane, or some other safety measure?"
"In memory of Dr. Barbara Ann Friedes"
"This would make everyone safer."
"Bikers in Philly deserve to be safe while riding throughout the city!"
"Fully support a bike lane and speed bumps on 3rd. Supporting cyclists is especially necessary given the regression in transportation priorities of the new administration in DC."
"Please establish a lane on 3rd!"
"I fully support adding bike lanes in Philadelphia. As a cyclist, safe reliable transportation is a must."
"More bike lanes make roads safer for EVERYONE who uses them! <3"
"Center City is an ideal area for cycling and more, safe cycle lanes could encourage less pollution from cars, slower cars and safer streets for pedestrians, and contribute positively toa walkable neighborhood."
"Safer streets for all, please!"
"Balancing the transportation network to support biking and walking is critical to a livable city. This bike lane is the right improvement in the right location, with plenty of road width for a bike lane and minimal curb cuts to create conflicts. Make it happen!"
"As a Philadelphia resident, cyclist, pedestrian, motorist and provider of emergency medical care to injured people, I am deeply in favor of traffic calming and protective cycling measures on South 3rd Street. We need this!"
"this would be helpful to have"
"Safe cycling route is a life saving, quality of life necessity for our City."
"We need to provide safety to our cyclists"
"We want a bike lane!!!"
"As a neighbor, I would absolutely use this bike lane!"
"I work in old city and bike to commute home down third street every day. It is frequently stressful and dangerous to bike with traffic, especially between Market and Spruce St. I have been honked at, run off the road, and nearly hit multiple times just trying to get to the bike lane to get home safely. I will also add that the width of 3rd street appears frequently confusing for cars, who sometimes use it as a two lane road and sometimes as a single lane. Please support a protected bike lane on 3rd! It will make traffic safer for bikes, cars, and neighborhood residents and will almost certainly save lives."
"Bike Lanes!!! My daughter, Emily Fredricks, was killed on 11/28/2017 at the corner of Spruce and 11th Streets. Philly is a Vision Zero City--we need protected bike lanes, safe infrastructure for all vulnerable road users. It is too late for our Emily, but Rich and I do our advocacy work for the living!"
"I regularly bicycle on 3rd street as it's a practical north bound thoroughfare that is plenty wide for a bike lane. I would love to feel safer and separated from cars while on this route. I fully support this proposal."
"I cycle and scooter around the city, and I am on this street all the time. As it stands, there is no safe route from the pine/spruce bike lane system north to Market street around these parts. The 3rd street corridor is already pedestrian-heavy, let's lean into that. Additionally, this street is not very residential and this project would not impede resident parking much at all."
"I've been biking this stretch of 3rd Street for 30 years. A bike lane would work well on this stretch. It would make it safer for bicyclists and would not affect the flow of car traffic. In favor!!"
"Safety for bicycles above convenience for cars is better for the health of Philly citizens, and the environment."
"Love the idea. Why not more of 3rd St!"
"I support the addition of bike lanes because it will save lives and protect bike riders."
"I will be moving into the neighborhood by late March and am an avid cyclist, riding almost every day, including my commute to Penn. This stretch of 3rd would be a regular ride for me, but I'm adding my voice not for myself but all the cyclists, adults and kids alike, who need a safe route through the neighborhood."
"Please protect the lives and safety of my family. Please include concrete curbs or barriers."
"Bike lanes make Philly neighborhoods safer."
"I support the installation of a prot3cted bike lane on 3rd Street. It is a critical safety improvement."
"We need protected bike lanes to support the growing need for inexpensive, healthy, urban travel."
"We need safer streets!"
"This is my primary bicycle route from Rittenhouse Square to Old City. Please add a bike lane."
"I often biked Pine to 2nd Street, parked my Indego bike at Head House, and then walked the many blocks to my co-working space north of Spring Garden to aviod biking up 3rd Street. A speedway for SUVs at rush hours, it's a danger for cyclists, pedestrians and residents."
"Bikes > cars. Create a city that’s safe for riders!"
"Bikers are dying from crashes by cars every year. Please add the bike lane!!!"
"A safe bike lane going north into Center City is desperately needed!"
"I bike to work on 5th and Independence hall and cutting over on 7th from Pine is skeeeetchy"
"I bike this street every single day."
"I regularly commute by bicycle on 3rd St. Please add a bike lane to make this street safer for all users. There's plenty of space. This is public space and can be used to allow active, safe, environmentally friendly travel."
"I ride my bike all over the city. We need more protected bike lanes. I hope this gets approved."
"We need more bike lanes! And keep cars and trucks from parking in the ones we have!"
"We need more bike lanes or fewer crazy drivers. (Frankly, I'd vote for both...)"
"I bicycle on Spruce and Pine often to go shopping etc., and a bike lane on 3rd would make it much easier to travel safely around Old City. For example, Unique Photo on 2nd street is the only photo lab I know of in Philly that can process slide film, so I've been going there more often. Combined with a Market St. lane, that would be a nice ride from Pine. I also love Riverwards Produce Market - Old City, which has a juice bar, and some bulk goods I don't see at other supermarkets. So please do the future extension to Northern Liberties to get me the rest of the way there safely!"
"Safety for everyone"
"i often feel unsafe cycling through philly, and this lane would provide a critical north south connection on the east! adding additional bike lanes does not prevent cars from driving, but will encourage drivers to be safer and make the neighbourhood and all of philly safer for all road users; cars included!!"
"As a regular bike rider in the city, I would appreciate having more options for safe riding, such as this bike lane."
"I live in the area and I ride my bike here. I am 80 years old and I want safer streets for everyone"
"I bike on 3rd street frequently. It would be nice to feel safer while doing so!"
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"Philadelphia bicyclists need and deserve maximum protection from autos. The more bike lanes, the better"
"3rd Street Bike Lane would be a great connector in Center City and I would use it often on my way to work and going to events in the area."
"North-south access is a crucial piece of the biking network! And more bike lanes makes biking safer which decreases traffic. Making the city better for everyone!"
"The city needs to be a safe place to ride bikes."
"Safe streets now! For all!"
"I bike from Northen Liberties to Center City and West Philly multiple times a week. My main route home includes 3rd street. A bike lane is essential to my safety. Everytime I get on the bike I wonder if I will make it home alive. A bike lane will help (though protected bike lanes would be exponentially better)."
"Sustainable transportation is the only way forward."
"I support bike lines and other safe biking infrastructure for our cyclists."
"I've had many friends injured and one friend die while bicycling on Philly's streets. Bike lanes save lives. Thank you."
"I will ride this often!"
"It's really important to keep bikers safe in Philadelphia, especially with the recent bicycle deaths. This will help make our streets safer."
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on 3rd!"
"the more protected bike lanes the better -- the need of individuals with limited mobility has to be considered as well but there should be room for all to be safe and well!"
"I use this street regularly. This would be an important link for me coming from the west on Pine and then turning up on 3rd to access services in Old City, including my gym at City Fitness. It is very dangerous as cars frequently speed and change lanes on 3rd, disregarding bikes (and pedestrians)."
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"I don't see why this is even an issue. 3rd st is already a single lane trafficked road. Maybe losing parking isn't as much of an issue as a cyclist being injured. As a matter of fact, traffick would most likely move smoother due to cyclist not being in the actual lane and in a lane of their own. Weird how multi-modality works."
"We have so many families in the city that would love to bike more , and in more neighborhoods but they can't because they don't feel that the streets are safe without bike lanes. Cycling reduces cars on the street, which improves parking and traffic congestion for EVERYONE, but we have to make cycling safe. I don't own a car because I bike, but I still pay property, city wage, and sales taxes in Philly; do I not deserve safe road infrastructure too?"
"As a city tax payer and parent I firmly support this"
"I would like to feel safe using my bike instead of adding to traffic and parking issues in our city. As a South Philly resident who often drives into Center City and the South St area because of bike safety problems, this would be a huge help to me."
"Adding bike lanes in the City is critical to improving the quality of life in Philadelphia and making us less car dependent. We have good momentum that we should keep going."
"This bike lane would certainly help cyclists. It would also help calm traffic, which 3rd St needs. Bike lanes help drivers by helping keep bikes in one place, so I support them as a driver, a bicyclist, and as a pedestrian."
"I bike all over the city. And that would be a good connection point. Safety starts with good plans, a great network, and policy changes."
"The 3rd st project is a significant improvement that grants cyclists greater and safer access to the city’s grid."
"need more lanes and need them to be protected with the parking on the outside so one does not get "doored""
"I bicycle on this street all the time and there is certainly room to improve it for everyone! The lack of any lane markings at all north of South Street make it confusing for cars turning left at Lombard St. as well as at Spruce St."
"3rd street would be a great place to add a bike lane for those of us in the Eastern part of the city."
"For years and years, this stretch of road has needed a bike lane! Let's make it happen!"
"Bike lanes keep us all safe!!"
"Right near my job. Great spot for calming drivers as well"
"I walk, ride, and drive this stretch near my home all the time and can attest it is needed for the safety of every type of commuter."
"This city needs more bike lanes - keep cyclsists safe!"
"Anything to make Philadelphia streets a little safer for cyclists is super!"
"Please make 3rd Street a safer street for all by voting yes on the bike lane!"
"This would provide much need safe access to the subway system from southeast Center City. With the existing availability of bike sharing at either end of the proposed lane it would offer safe and efficient last-mile access to the subway network for Queen Village residents such as my self and a connection between the economic hubs of South Street/Headhouse square and the Independence Hall area."
"Biking is my primary transportation in Philadelphia. I'd like to have more safe corridors to bike on, including the proposed 3rd Street bike lane. Thank you."
"As an avid cyclist who bikes with children, this is a critical initiative to protect not only cyclists, but also pedestrians while also streamlining traffic flow."
"We need this crucial bike lane !"
"My son and brother are avid cyclists in the city and I care about all cyclists!"
"My child is on a bike in this corridor. Please protect the lane."
"I frequently ride my bicycle on 3rd Street in Old City and Society Hill. Especially for First Friday. A protected bike lane there would significantly improve safety for all road users."
"I support safety. I support better street design. I support the 3rd Street bike lane."
"I'd love to see the 3rd Street bike lane in action! I often take Pine to 3rd to get to Old City and a bike lane there wouldn't even take over road space as it's a two-lane road with no markings so it's basically a one-lane road in reality."
"Old city is very walkable and safe, let’s make it safer with a bike lane that is beneficial to locals and tourists alike! 4 year Old City resident, Lilith Elmore"
"3rd Street is currently No Stopping on the west side, adding a bike lane should not have any impact to residents and act as a logical traffic calming measure"
"Let's continue to make our city safer for everyone!"
"The safety of our citizens should be our top priority, and a protected bike lane at this location would go a long way! I support this to help improve our city."
"I support safer streets for a better Philadelphia! I want a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"We need more interconnected protected bike lanes in this city! Cars are so heavily prioritized here I feel like I’m living in a suburb. I’m tired of people (cyclists, pedestrians, drivers) getting hurt by speeding cars and lack of safe infrastructure. Philly needs and deserves this."
"I'm a resident at 3rd and Delancey and strongly support the safety of our city by including a bike lane on 3rd St."
"I ride on this street on my way to work everyday"
"I am a biker and having bike lanes is something that I am always going to vote for. This is a no brainer."
"Thank you for supporting the 3rd street bike lane!"
"As a regular rider on 3rd St., I support the installation of a bike lane. Let's keep our cyclists safe."
"Safer streets Philly."
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"Safe eco-friendly travel should not be a luxury limited to European cities. Prioritize bike and public transit networks to improve our cities."
"More bike lanes=more safety. Also, please consider incorporating daylighting at strategic intersections to further improve biker and pedestrian safety!!!"
"More than reasonable to give this (little bit more!) space to bikes and people. Car centrism destroys cities. Make it more walkable, bikeable and above all liveable!"
"I travel this route with my 14 and 11 yo and need the protection to feel safe traveling by bike. Which in turn means i don't clog up parking when going to the movies or farmers market or friends house."
"As someone who doesn't have a car or a bike, I would love it if there was a protected bike lane on this street!! The roads that have space set aside for bikes have really made the roads more pleasant to walk along side. Drivers are less aggressive, so their vehicles are quieter, they give off less exhaust, and it generally makes for a more enjoyable and idyllic walk. Please consider this affordable option to make the city safer."
"A protected bike lane is much needed on 3rd St!"
"I fully support the 3rd street bike lane. It’s greatly needed to maintain the walkable, bikeable, busable city we all love."
"I am all for supporting the safety of cyclists!"
"I drive, walk, and bike on this stretch of 3rd street constantly and would love to see some traffic-calming measures put in place. Cars do some crazy speeds here but it's only possible if the infrastructure allows for it. If we improve the infrastructure, just a little, we greatly improve the quality of life here!"
"I will reiterate what I have heard and know to be true. Bike lanes are not only safe for bikers, they are safe for the drivers as well. Thank you,"
"I strongly support a protected bike lane on 3rd. It will help connect our budding network"
"We need better streets for all users, including cyclists!"
"I fully support a bike lane on Third. This supports pedestrians and the people who live in the city. PEOPLE live in the city, not cars!"
"Yes please add this. This would be great for my friends to be able to bike to my area safely."
"Please make this protected bike lane! I would use this frequently with my kids if this was a safe option."
"Bike lanes are good for people on bikes AND drivers. When people feel safe to ride their bikes to get where they need to go, they can opt to cycle instead, resulting in less traffic for those who do drive!"
"I'm a resident of West Philadelphia, but with friends and family who live in Old City. I want to be able to safely bike with my toddler up 3rd street from the Pine and Spruce St Bike lane!"
"A bike lane will encourage more biking, take cars off the road, and reduce traffic. Win-win for everyone."
"Has the BCGP weighed in on this (are you working with them?)? And who are you, PBA (directors, etc.)?"
"Highways are for cars. Cities are for bikes."
"I'm providing my support not just for a South to Market bike lane, but for one Washington to Girard on 3rd. I bike down 3rd often from Pine to Spring Garden. The current street width of 3rd invites too many motorists to excessively speed and drive recklessly. Bike lanes provide a safer option for cyclists."
"Bike lanes are better for all."
"I bike on 3rd st regularly. It needs a bike lane. We deserve to be safe! I shouldn’t have to fear to my life every Time I need to go somewhere. Streets should be safe for everyone not just cars."
"More protected bike lanes create a safer city for the many bicyclists that already exist and create a safer environment for people looking to utilize bikes as their primary mode of transportation."
"I bike this street often, with my kids, and I can tell you that you'd think drivers would change their behavior when they see multiple kids on bikes trying to share the road, but they don't. They rev their engines, they pass dangerously close (technically violating the law, but no one's enforcing that), and they lean on their horns. With KIDS! We need protection!"
"Would love to bike to the office on a new lane!"
"I take 3rd St via bike everyday on my commute to work. I travel up from 3rd and Federal to Market St. where I make a left on Market ST. to head over to the Ben Franklin Bridge to get to Camden. In my experience, I think having a bike lane from South St. to Market would certainly help to calm traffic as drivers can sometimes become aggressive trying to navigate around busses or other drivers in what is now the second lane on 3rd street. The road for most of this section is not wide enough to accommodate bus traffic and a second lane for cars. Making the second lane a bike lane would eliminate confusion often seen from drivers on whether or not they can pass the busses on the left side (there isn't enough room). 3rd St. is a popular bike route even without a dedicated bus lane. I encounter multiple riders on my commute each morning and would imagine an increase in riders if there was a dedicated lane. I appreciate the consideration for a bike lane here on 3rd street. It would directly impact my ride to work every morning."
"This will be such a great connection in our bike lane network, it will make it a lot less stressful for people to move around the city. Please make a protected bike lane on 3rd St with concrete barriers to keep cyclists safe!"
"More bike lanes makes for a better bicycling experience and encourages more cyclists in our city"
"I will ride in this bike lane regularly to commute to work. Thank you for prioritizing safety and neighborhood character over fast cars."
"Let us make the street safer for bikers and pedestrians. This plan will help traffic slow down and give non-drivers peace of mind."
"This is a great idea -- making streets safer and friendlier for mixed-use benefits everyone!"
"I love this idea! It would allow me to safely travel to Old City!"
"End the carnage. Calm the Street. Bike lane is critical."
"More bike lanes means a better bike experience, which means more cyclists, which means less cars on the street, which means a safer city."
"Build the bike lane!"
"This road is too dangerous. Please install this bike lane as it will improve safety, travel times, and provide multiple transportation options!"
"Protect cyclists!!"
"The lives of the many outweighs the convenience of the few. Protect our bike lanes and save lives!"
"Philly needs more bike lanes, they save lives"
"I am a SEPTA bus operator that drives on this street all the time. The lane is way too wide and invites aggressive driving and it is going to get someone killed especially a child. This bike lane will make it safer for everyone including the drivers. Everyone in Philadelphia deserves basic safety when they leave the house regardless of how they choose to travel. The streets are for everyone."
"I’m cycling up 3rd from QV almost every day. We need this bike lane and its extension to the LoLibs!"
"This will be such a great connection in our bike lane network, it will make it a lot less stressful for people to move around the neighborhood."
"This is such a no-brainer. Please don't let the troglodytes win. Thanks. - Bill West"
"this is a no brainer."
"Bike lanes are a great way to ensure the safety of riders and encourage more people to ride bikes! We should take our cue from European cities and reduce vehicular traffic in favor of bicycles. Thank you for your support of this initiative!"
"I live on s 3rd st and this project is a no brainer for so many people that live and commute along this street. It is SO dangerous right now to bike on and a bike lane would be such an incredible QOL upgrade"
"As a neighborhood resident, I fully support a protected bike lane on 3rd street!"
"Protected bike lanes are more important than parking for NIMBYs."
"I would like to not die when riding my bicycle in Philadelphia."
"As a "I would bike more if there were more lanes" biker, this is a no-brainer! Make ist safe for everyone, commenters, families, the curious cyclist !"
"3rd St needs a protected bike lane, at least from South to Market. I bike this segment of 3rd every day to go to work and cars drive recklessly fast. A protected bike lane seems to be the only solution to stop more preventable deaths."
"I support the implementation of the protected bike lane on 3rd Street between Market St and South St"
"As a pedestrian bike lanes help make the streets safer from cars"
"3rd St is an essential corridor south for bikers on the eastern side of the city. Uniquely East of Independence Hall, this is a major corridor for cyclists getting down to South St"
"More bike lanes in Philly are good for all! Not just cyclists."
"Please help make this area safer for everyone who uses this street!"
"I ride this route regularly as it is one of the least dangerous ways to get from south Philly to old city— and by least dangerous I mean I don’t have to go over cobblestones. 3rd street is one of the few streets that connects to northern liberties and fishtown and adding a bike lane is super important Why is it that the convenience of a few people outweighs the safety of many? Why is it that if you are wealthy you feel that your life is more valuable? Why is it that you think that because you live in society hill you should not have to cross the street to unload your car?"
"I used to live in Olde City and Society Hill, 3rd St. Definitely needs a bike lane."
"Philadelphia needs a full network of connected, protected bike lanes."
"I ride my bike all over the city and this is a way for me to avoid death from crazy drivers. Please install this as it is a common sense safety need."
"I fully support bike lanes, throughout the city, but definitely this one on 3rd Street in the Society Hill area! This area is beautiful and more bike and walking traffic would allow for people to slow down and enjoy the beauty."
"I support the 3rd street bike lane"
"A bike lane is safer for everyone."
"I love biking from Germantown into center city, and better connections from Spruce/Pine into the city would be great."
"We need this for commuters (many who can't afford vehicles) to be able to travel safely to work!"
"Don’t let an isolated group of NIMBYs prevent good street design with community support that will save lives."
"Protected bike lanes slow cars and keep pedestrians and cyclists safer. As someone who often cycles to this neighborhood, safer streets would be welcome. In this dimension, our city lags behind what other cities easily do."
"Bike infrastructure is the easiest way to save lives and the planet!"
"I moved back to Philly after living in Atlanta, Chicago and New York City, and Philly is by far the most unsafe for cyclists. Please add this and other protected bike lanes!"
"We need more bike lanes to keep the city safe for our cyclists!!"
"I grew up in Philly when we had no bike lanes and I would move back if I could afford it"
"I live in South Philly and use my bike for transportation. We need more protected bike lanes to create a complete network of safe streets for cyclists and pedestrians."
"Save 3rd street bike lane!"
"Bike lanes keep cyclists safe and are of no hindrance to drivers."
"Safer streets are better for everyone, and a bike lane on Third Street helps make streets safer and can connect bikers from South to Market Streets."
"Keep pedestrians, cyclists, neighbors and citizens safe."
"Keep our streets safe for cyclists!"
"Bike lanes are good for everyone including pedestrians and drivers."
"I live in Northern Liberties and work at Jefferson Center City so I frequently commute in this area. A 3rd St bike lane would give me a safer option to get to the Giant supermarket and other amenities on 3rd on my way back from work. There is plenty of room on the existing street so this seems like a no-brainer."
"This is my neighborhood. It's a great neighborhood and a north-south bike lane in it would make it even greater."
"That section of street NEVER has traffic. There's zero need for two auto lanes. Let's fix it. Thanks for coordinating!"
"I use 3rd St. to commute to Old City by bike on a weekly basis. Adding a bike lane would make this street safer for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists alike."
"There even more people who travel by car SUV and truck than ever on 3rd Street. Drivers don’t realize how their one act of speeding and recklessness can kill or harm unprotected commuters — walkers, bikers and folks in wheelchairs. They also don’t realize how scarey it is for flesh and blood human beings when they travel so close to them with their vehicles. We need traffic calming on 3rd St. therefore, please put a bike lane on 3rd St."
"This is a needed corridor for bike rider safety"
"We really need this, the closest north/south streets are 10 blocks apart (Front and 11th)."
"As a frequent rider on 3rd street we certainly need this."
"A separate place to ride is necessary for cycling safety."
"Let's make this a city more hospitable to people than cars!"
"This city needs more bike lanes throughout the city, this is a step in the right direction."
"This will drastically improve the connectivity of the bike lane network! It’s a vital artery."
"A 3rd Street bike lane will make 3rd Street safer for all users, especially vulnerable road users."
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street. Bike lanes save lives and gas."
"If only there were a safe way to travel by bike, perhaps more people would."
"Bike lanes make travel in the city safer for everyone - pedestrians, motorists and bicyclists. Please keep the plan to build this bike lane on 3rd Street moving forward. Thank you."
"We need physically impassible, by a car, protection from cars when walking or riding a bike. We need concrete and or metal bollards and infrastructure created to protect people walking and biking and to slow down cars."
"I use 3rd street as my main bike commuting corridor between Pine street and where I live in Old City. It is where I have experienced some of the most aggressive and dangerous driving that threatens my safety as a biker. A bike lane at this location would drastically increase my comfort with biking in the city. Additionally, as someone who both walks and drives on this stretch of 3rd street, I feel strongly that adding a bike lane would calm traffic and make use of the road more comfortable no matter my means of transportation!"
"I support the 3rd Street bike lane because it will improve safety, reduce traffic conflicts, and promote sustainable transportation in the city. A dedicated lane helps save pedestrian and cyclists lives!"
"We need more safe bike lanes and fewer cars."
"Paris has a safe, comprehensive and heavily utilized bike lane system. It contributes to ease of transit, tourism and a quieter, more livable city. In two years, Philadelphia will be hosting the world for our sesquicentennial and the FIFA World Cup. We can institute safe biking and public transit solutions that put us on a par with other world cities. Or we can be just another third-rate city. Time to decide and do something about it."
"More bike lanes!"
"Please extend safe streets!"
"More protected bike lanes across the city improves transit, wellness, and recreation. It is imperative that we continue to invest in such infrastructure!"
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane here on 3rd st. We can prevent cyclist deaths."
"I live near here and think this is a great idea!"
"I support the bike lane!"
"as someone that bikes in Philly often, I support the installation of this bike lane on 3rd Street. It is very scary to ride bikes without a dedicated space especially with cars getting bigger and drivers becoming more distracted than ever."
"Spruce and Pine need more and better bike connections into and out of center city."
"I bike to work nearly everyday from South Philly to Camden, and this bike lane would vastly improve the safety of my commute. Having a bike lane here would also make me and others feel much safer biking from South Philly to Old City, which would encourage us to come to Old City to shop, eat, and hang out much more often!"
"Bike lanes save the lives of pedestrians and cyclists."
"3rd street offers one of the better sized streets to bike north in the city. I often find myself riding up 3rd to get to my neighborhood, Kensington/Fishtown."
"Bike lanes are important for safety in the city"
"I travel up 3rd street 5 days a week to get to work. A bike lane, even in for this short section, would greatly improve my sense of safety during my commute. I only wish it went further north and south."
"I often shop in Queen Village and Old City, and biking is the fastest way for me to get there from where I live, but I often feel unsafe biking outside of bike lanes. This would make me feel much more comfortable to make this trip, and I think I'd shop here more often."
"Safe streets are more important than parking for entitled residents"
"I use 3rd to commute to work And without a designated bike lane, it feels unsafe to ride and other roads nearby are cobblestones or more dangerous."
"Please prioritize safety and install protected bike lanes."
"I live in the neighborhood, and I bike to work. My kids, who are in middle school, also often get around by bike, specifically on 3rd street. Having a protected bike lane on 3rd would make all of our commutes much safer, while also serving as a traffic calming measure in this corridor."
"I Strongly support this bike lane - it will help me and my family more safely commute to activities in old city."
"As a resident of Queen Village biking is one of my main forms of transportation around the city. 3rd street would greatly benefit from a bike lane and it would increase safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers alike."
"we ride these roads every day. please put safety first."
"I bike on 3rd st often. Always feels a little unsafe with no bike lane, especially at night. Can’t wait for this!"
"I regularly bike in this area. It would be great to have a bike lane traveling north since Front street ends."
"Cyclists should have safe corridors of travel in this city."
"I support safe infrastructure in the city"
"This is progress!"
"I strongly support this bike lane! Until recently I commuted by bike on this road both to Camden and to Temple. It's a great connector for South Philly to the rest of the city and to Jersey. So many great attractions and restaurants along the ride too. Bike lanes make streets safer for everyone!"
"This is an ideal location for a bike lane and it will help connect the existing bike lane network."
"This would be a great bike lane for me to get to the Arden Theatre after turning left on 3rd St from the Spruce St bike lane. Please build it!"
"I'm getting back into cycling and bike lanes make me feel so much more comfortable and confident on the road! I am regularly in this area for social events and would love to see the 3rd Street Bike Lane added."
"I support the installation of a protected bike lane on the west side of 3rd Street extending from South Street to Market Street."
"Please install the 3rd street bike lane. I ride my bike to work and in the neighborhood and having this would improve safety and connectivity for me and the neighborhood"
"Please continue the work of making Philly safe for our families."
"I bike up 3rd to work in Old City and not having a bike lane means cyclists are in both lanes of vehicular traffic, vehicles are trying to pass both bikes and other vehicles, and the general confusion makes the whole trip less safe for everyone involved."
"So necessary for a safe northbound bike lane on the east side. I’d really love to see it come all the way down to Moyamensing/Reed St eventually."
"Philly is currently designed to prioritize cars, which in turn makes streets dangerous for pedestrians, bikers, and other cars. Adding more bike lanes like on 3rd St is a form of traffic calming that will make travel on this street safer for everyone!"
"I support the bike lane."
"More bike lanes help Philadelphia to be a more livable city, now and in the future as transportation modes evolve."
"Maintaining safe bikeways is paramount to the continued success of our city, and safety of our most vulnerable communities."
"The more bike lanes the better for everyone!"
"A 3rd street bike lane would be a tremendous improvement to the neighborhood. As a cyclist, I frequently use its existing ambiguous "second lane" to bike north and see many others doing the same. It would be great if this unofficial bike lane could become official so we could all feel a bit more protected when using it. Even as a pedestrian this ambiguity causes problems when crossing the street especially at Delancey -- I'm never sure if a car is going to aggressively try to zoom past a slower moving vehicle via the ambiguous extra space."
"Safer streets for everyone!"
"Please keep us safe!"
"please make philly safer for cyclists, thats all."
"If I want my babies to grow up in Philly and for you to take my sweet sweet tax dollars... I need safe streets. Make the decision to stay in Philly easier for me. Prioritize biking infrastructure."
"Bike lanes save lives!"
"This would give me a safe way for me to visit my mom who live on this planet bikeway."
"I use this route regularly to care for my 93 year old mother."
"Please add this. It's one of the spots on my northern route from south philly and would connect me up to market st. I used to take 5th but the cobblestones are brutal."
"This bike lane will be a great addition to our network."
"As a resident of society hill, we need safer streets and better bike lanes!"
"This is a no brainer for anyone who has cycled or walked along 3rd. It is way too dangerous and cars constantly speed along this street. A bike lane would make it much safer."
"Make 3rd Street safer for bikers and old folks!"
"More bike lanes!"
"I often bike to and from that section of the city and the lack of dedicated bike infrastructure makes me feel unsafe. This would be an incredible addition for the cycling community and the neighborhood! I highly encourage exploration to expand the connecting infrastructure in all directions."
"I bike to work everyday. We need a bike lane at 3rd. The current situation is very dangerous."
"The lack of a north-bound bike lane in Society Hill makes it difficult to get around the neighborhood. Furthermore, the current configuration of 2 traffic lanes encourages high speed and dangerous driving in a residential neighborhood with schools, parks, and children nearby."
"3rd Street is such a common sense addition to Philadelphia's bike network. The city has been considering 3rd street for a bike lane since 2012! Time to finally build the lane!"
"3rd Street is the perfect location for another bike lane, let's get it done!"
"The more bike lanes and less cars the better. I support the addition of this bike lane."
"Bike riding on old city streets has always been challenging with bad road conditions, no bike lanes, tight streets, and out of town drivers. This bike lane would support safe biking for those of us who live in and love the city."
"I live in Old City and bike and drive on 3rd st. 3rd St is park of my bike commute to work at CHOP. We desperately need direction for drivers and cyclists and space separation on 3rd st. Right now it is a free for all which is unsafe. 3rd Street is the perfect candidate for a bike lane with the coming I-95 CAP project, it will be a crucial link to the Spruce/Pine bike lanes."
"As a biker in Philadelphia, I have nearly been run off the road on third street many times on this corridor. There are a significant amount of tourists here, so adding a bike lane will slow down traffic and protect bikers (and pedestrians)!"
"I live in Old City and would use this all the time"
"I often will use the Pine St. bike lane to get across the city to old City and will ride on 3rd St. The current conditions are terrifying! The roads are in bad condition and drivers are going so fast despite being in a high pedestrian neighborhood. I'm so excited about the possibility a separated bike lane on 3rd st."
"I bike from Spruce to Chestnut on 3rd every day and it desperately needs protection for cyclists."
"As a resident of Bella Vista, I ride my bicycle up 3rd street to attend appointments and support businesses in Society Hill and Old City all the time. A bicycle lane is much needed here to provide a missing connection between neighborhoods and make the street safer for all users."
"Lives matter, and quality of life matters. Our streets must strike a balance between the needs of different users; making cars a priority at the expense of everything and everybody else leads to misery!"
"Two lane, single direction streets should not exist in Center City! They should be converted to a protected bike lane by default! Agreed. While I live in NJ, I commute by bike through the city for work everyday."
"Taking away this bike lane would be a big step backward. We need to keep making sure transportation is accessible and equitable."
"Philadelphians deserve safe streets!"
"A bike lane will make this street safer for everyone whether they are walking, biking and driving. Many people are already biking on this street. I've personally witnessed many parents with kids in tow, people commuting to work, and people just riding for fun. This is a common sense project and I hope OTIS moves forward without hesitation."
"As an old city resident, this bike lane would be a benefit for both drivers and cyclists like myself. I would use this lane daily. It will save lives and improve the traveling experience for all that use the road."
"3rd street is a common sense addition to the City’s bicycle network adding a much needed northbound connection in Center City. I frequently bike on 3rd Street when traveling home from my partner's home on Randolph Ct. (soon to be my residence as well). I work in Center City and would continue to use this bike lane to connect to Spruce St. to travel to work near City Hall. It is important that we have a connected network of bike lanes so that those that rely on bikes can reliably, safely, and comfortably travel to and from their places of employment, see friends, enjoy recreation, get groceries, etc. The road is wide enough to accomodate the needs of all road users, including people on bikes. Right now, driver's are encouraged to speed on this road because of its width making it dangerous for people walking, biking, riding a scooter, or any other sort of micro-mobility. A bike lane would help calm traffic for all users."
"It's critical for OTIS to implement a protected bike lane on 3rd St connecting Spruce/Pine to Market St in order to create a safe and robust bicycle network. The 3rd St bike lane will also calm traffic and improve the daily lived experience of pedestrians and residents."
"Two lane, single direction streets should not exist in Center City! They should be converted to a protected bike lane by default!"