This petition is a collaboration between the following organizations:
Mayor Parker and City Council - it's time for our City to back up its commitment to safety and contribute $5 million to Vision Zero in the Fiscal Year 2026 Capital Budget!
Vision Zero funding pays for projects that are proven to reduce traffic fatalities and severe injuries on our streets, wherever they’re most needed across our city.
The Vision Zero budget line can be used for all kinds of safety improvements like:
Dangerous roads and reckless driving affect all Philadelphians, especially residents of our lowest-income neighborhoods and Black and Latino Philadelphians, who are more than twice as likely to be seriously injured or killed in a crash than other Philadelphians.
Learn more: 2024 Vision Zero Report
In Mayor Parker's words, “Every Philadelphian deserves to be able to get home safely, no matter if they choose to travel by foot, by transit, by bike, or by personal vehicle.”
Our Mayor wants a Safer Philadelphia, and we share that dream. In order for Mayor Parker to achieve her commitment to reach zero traffic deaths by 2050, the City must give Vision Zero the money it needs to succeed.
In 2024, several tragic, preventable deaths lead to an unprecedented public outcry for safer streets. This year, the time has finally come for the City to fully fund Vision Zero.
Learn more: Advocates’ long fight for $5 million (The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia)
We, the undersigned Philadelphians, ask Mayor Parker and City Council for a budget that prioritizes our safety by increasing the Vision Zero line item to $5 million in the FY2026 Capital Budget.
We, the undersigned Philadelphians, ask Mayor Parker and City Council for a budget that prioritizes our safety by increasing the Vision Zero line item to $5 million in the Fiscal Year 2026 Capital Budget.
Recent comments...
"Save lives, fund vision zero!"
"I can’t not say how terrible are the sidewalk and bike lane… there is no priority for humain but only car have the priorities… we live in a place (lower Merion) where so many kids live, play and the only option we have is to drive our kids everywhere. They should be independent (at a certain age) to go alone see their friends or go to school / activities on their own… and they can’t because it is too dangerous. Take action NOW. Use our taxes for the right things…"
"put safety of pedestrians and cyclists ahead of drivers' convenience"
"Vision Zero funding means support for all modes of transit. I am pro-bike lane and pro-public transit, but the infrastructure in this city is so negligent that I am forced to have a car to commute from Southeast Philly to Fairmount for work because buses are often cancelled/don’t arrive on time. It’s ridiculous. For car-loving folk reading this- traffic doesn’t get any better if every single person has to drive to get around. Vision Zero Funding Now."
"Please support Vision Zero! We're doing so in Lancaster and would love to see more in Philly. Keep all Philadelphians safe as they move about the city."
"I am a cyclist and I know this will help me and all the cyclists of Philadelphia stay safe!"
"Save lives by protecting bike lanes!"
"$5 million is a small price to save for saving lives!"
"Safe infrastructure can make a city great."
"Good infrastructure can save lives. Walking, driving, biking -- all are safer with better infrastructure, which needs to be funded by the City."
"Pedestrians and bicyclists should be able to move through our city in total safety. My only fear for my children when they walk to school is from cars, and that should not be. Our community school has spent years demanding traffic calming with no action!"
"A city is only safe if its streets are. Philadelphians deserve safe routes to school, work, and transit - and we need sufficient funding to make this happen."
"Please increase the VZ budget to at least $5million for FY2026. We are counting on the Mayor and City Council to make significant improvments to our infrastructure. Everyone deserves to make it home after a walk or bike ride on our city streets. Marissa, Piscitello Bicycle Law Advocates"
"In December, I was hit by a car crossing the 11th street bike lane south of Wash Ave. This could have been prevented with better investments into Vision Zero, like speed bumps, clearer signage, even just (better) paint in the bike lane."
"As a daily bicycle commuter, the number of cars that do not look out for bike lanes when making left turns, pull into them to drop off passengers, and park in them to unload is appalling. In Washington, D.C.--where I used to live--and in my home town of Ann Arbor, MI, many lanes are protected by more permanent barriers including concrete curbs."
"A safe and healthy community is a great ROI"
"Let's invest in the future of Philadelphia and the safety of its citizens by protecting them from traffic violence!"
"Please put the funds to help keep everyone safe. Vision Zero without proper funding can never achieve it's goal, zero deaths."
"$5 Million would be a great START to implementing some of the great traffic calming measures needed to SAVE LIVES."
"This is long overdue and such a clear way to prioritize the safety of everyone."
"Please provide safer roads"
"There are some issues that you need to quickly get in front of-this is one of them. Most folks don't see the true reality of a bad situation until it hits home, please don't wait fot that."
"As a long time member of Families For Safe Streets.....and a neighborhoood advocate in the NW neighborhoods, it is essential to have the VZ budget increased to at least $5 million. I know what new updated structure can do to prevent deaths....i.e. the Wiss section of Henry was the highest fatality section of Henry Ave and since the renovation, no deaths/crashes. We need improvements like this thru out the City......."
"Streets are for the people!"
"Increasing the safe walkability and bikeability of the city is good for the physical AND mental health of every resident and visitor."
"We need safe streets for all Philadelphians!! Fully fund Vision Zero now, PLEASE!"
"Please help make Philly the best walkable &busable city! A city that is safe for all is a city that is thrives! Thank you :)"
"Fund Vision Zero!"
"We are tired of going outside our houses being a potentially life-threatening experience just because of dangerous driving. This is a solveable problem, let's solve it!"
"It's time for Philadelphia to fund Vision Zero at the same level of comparable cities. Let's not get left behind."
"Please put up some concrete and allow riders to be protected."
"Mayor Parker should make Philly streets the safest in the nation!"
"please prioritize making the streets safer to ride and walk!"
"We need safe streets!"
"My kid deserves to grow up in a city where he can walk around our neighborhood and bike to school safely."
"I almost get hit daily because cars pull through crosswalks to see past cars parked in crosswalks. Please end the horrifying way the city treats those who don't drive."
"We need adequate funding to support safe roads and safe communities! Safe roads are good for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists"
"Make our streets safer"
"Safety above all else. Dangerous cars and driving SHOULD NOT come before a pedestrian and biker safety. Our infrastructure and cross walks need investments and major changes to keep us safe."
"Not only good for the environment but for the constituents of this city"
"I walk between work and home in center city and west philly, even when I have a sign to cross drivers are not being safe and do not care for my life. Improved safety and more budgets for our streets in Philly are a must to keep the city thriving and save lives!"
"I bike around the city as my mode of transportation, and every day I come across motorists who intentionally or unintentionally risk my life. Many of these instances could be avoided with better infrastructure and better enforcement."
"Paint is not protection!"
"I want to feel safer moving around in my neighborhood."
"Please help to keep our citizens safe! And please remember that these improvements don't just help bikers and pedestrians, they help make life safer and better for everyone. Cars are less likely to crash with each other when going slower, neighborhoods are quieter and more peaceful for their residents, etc."
"As a cyclist who has been dinged by the side mirror a police car who decided to travel in the bike lane without lights/sirens, had to swerve into traffic to avoid getting doored by city vehicles illegally parked in the bike lane, and as a pedestrian who has been almost hit several times by drivers who fail to respect the box, I firmly believe we need an investment to protect anyone who isn't in a car from the unchecked aggressive driving that has been allowed to become the norm in this city."
"This is my number one election issue."
"This needs to happen!!"
"Here's your chance to win my vote back after the 76ers debacle, Mayor Parker."
"Our infrastructure should be designed for "We The People", not "We the Cars""
"Please commit to keeping me and my child safe!"
"Major Vision Zero funding is critical to the safety of all who use our city streets and sidewalks. We need to study road use and implement proven life saving infrastructure."
"More people would go by bike if they could feel safe doing so. I shouldn't have to feel like I'm risking my life going to and from work."
"Pedestrian and bicycle safety are essential to making our city safer! Fund vision zero!"
"Fund Vision Zero! Philadelphians deserve safe streets for EVERYONE. Vision Zero isn’t just bikes and pedestrians- it will make everyone safer. this is a PRIORITY- this is peoples LIVES"
"Make our city safer!"
"Please increase the funding for vision zero. This is the most important political topic for me and an issue I vote on!"
"I would be so grateful for vision zero to help protect bikers on Woodland Ave in West Philly. My son and I use this bike lane in rush hour traffic everyday to get to work and school. It is truly terrifying. I bike all over the city but this street is the one that scares me most."
"As a brand new cyclist, this would change so much for my comfort on the roads. I moved to Philly shortly before the passing of Dr. Barbra Friedes and Christopher Cabrera. Seeing the cycling community and more gather in grief only made me realize how important driver accountability and sturdy bike infrastructure is. I learned how to ride a bike in November 2024. I have been mostly riding in parks, on the DRT, and slowly adding in road time little by little. I am terrified every time I do it. The first time I went on the roads I cried as soon as I got home because I was relieved I survived. I shouldn’t be in fear every time I decide to go on a bike ride. I shouldn’t be scared to travel in a way that has made me feel so free and given me so much autonomy. I shouldn’t be here begging, pleading for this initiative to happen. Please listen to the community by put lives and safety of so many first."
"More bike lanes!!"
"I bike almost every day and rarely do I feel like I’m not risking my life!! Please help!"
"The city needs this, particularly in South Philly where I live, it's incredibly difficult to navigate in any form of transportation including cars, but for disabled folks it's almost impossible, no sunlighting, cars in the curb cutouts and crosswalks, and no enforcement. Please use this beyond Center City"
"Bicycle and pedestrian safety are some of the most important parts of a thriving city. Please put our tax dollars behind the rhetoric of caring about resident safety and let's make Philly accessible to all!"
"I have a vision for Vision Zero!"
"More daylighting at intersections! Happy to plant things in huge planters so long as they are in the street protecting my family from cars!"
"I support Vision Zero because it is a commitment for safety for all of us!"
"Zero traffic deaths is possible, it just requires money, a plan, and the courage to help the people of Philly!"
"As a bike shop owner, in a city where 3 bike shops closed in the past year, I am deeply concerned and invested in cycling safety. This city needs to do more to protect cyclist and pedestrians, from a road space that is almost entirely tailored to cars. A road space that needs to be remedied with traffic calming and protections for pedestrians and cyclists!"
"Concrete now!"
"I'm so tired of people dying on our streets and the politicians say "we don't have the money to make it better". Fully fund vision zero. If we truly want 0 street fatalities then we have to fund the initiative that actually furthers that goal."
"The complete streets programs in West Philly have made my day to day life safer and more comfortable as a pedestrian, cyclist, and driver. The OTIS employees I’ve spoken to are the most helpful city employees I’ve ever interacted with. Please expand and continue these programs!"
"Safe streets for all of philly, not just center city"
"Safer streets now!"
"We need $50 million per year for Vision Zero but $5 million is a good start."
"Make biking in Philly not a constantly life-threatening experience!"
"As a cyclist who believes that w have a wonderful city in which to bike, I support the Vision Zero initiative 100%."
"We deserve to feel safe when we are in transit, regardless if you are walking, biking, driving or using public transportation."
"We deserve safe streets!"
"Bike and pedestrian safety is a priority to ensure civilians can easily move around in their own local area without fear of car accidents."
"I bike commute nearly every day, and while I appreciate the bike lanes that exist on my route I have to take a circuitous way to avoid dangerous conditions on roads. Bike infrastructure is crucial! We need to change the built environment to reinforce biker safety and to create driver awareness."
"The city needs more dedicated funding if they see depots about Vernon close to vision zero."
"Cyclists who do everything right - use bike lanes, wear helmets, have reflective gear - are still murdered by cars here in Philly. The city should do its part to keep us safe, since we're doing OUR part to keep OURSELVES safe."
"We live in a city, not a highway or a bike parking lot. It shouldn’t be considered risky to bike or walk places—even driving feels dangerous these days. We desperately need infrastructure to complement enforcement and act as physical cues to be mindful of speed and other people around. We need bike lanes to be bike lanes, sidewalks to be sidewalks, and parks to be human parks, because now they are all seen as parking spots. Safe streets improve the city for everyone!"
"Cities need to take action to prioritize safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Infrastructure should not prioritize cars above other modes of transportation."
"We need to make it safe to walk and bike in Philly. There's an opportunity with VZ to support the creation of easy, rapid, and inexpensive mobility for the people through good infrastructure."
"By committing real funding to Vision Zero, you are showing your dedication to protecting our lives. We need this! Please create a legacy and infrastructure that will benefit Philadelphians for generations to come."
"No reason for us to have bicycle deaths in this city. End car dependent infrastructure now"
"We need to make our city safer for cyclists."
"Robust Vision Zero funding will save lives and can make Philadelphia into a true world class city!"
"Let’s take action to end preventable deaths due to traffic violence!! 💪🏼"
"Let's do it!!!"
"It is time to real dedication to actually ending traffic deaths is Philadelphia. Noone should be afraid to cross the street, ride a bike in our city."
"This is an absolute necessity to be safe in this city!"
"I love that Philadelphia is a mostly walkable city. However, nearly everyone I know has a story of a car/pedestrian or car/bike accident. There is no reason we should not be protecting our citizens and helping to ensure safe roads for everyone."
"Philly is a city best experienced outside of a car. I want to make this an easier, safer, and maybe even preferred option for my neighbors. Enough is enough. We know how to stop deaths from happening on our roads and it's about time we did it!"
"It's hard to be a pedestrian and always feel like my life is is danger whenever I cross the street."
"We need more budget allocated to keep people safe on our streets!"
"Philly needs this!"
"Being a pedestrian shouldn't be an extreme sport. Safer streets means a stronger community."
"Cars are so deadly. Let’s make our roads safer"
"Safer streets benefit all Philadelphians. Even car drivers!"
"I care about accessibility that affects disabled Philadelphians and their ability to access the amazing parts of the city just as everyone else does."
"We need safer streets for all types of bicyclists."
"The bike lanes need to be cleared of snow and twigs during winter please."
"I believe we can have a city where people on foot, bike, car, or mass transit are treated with dignity."
"I like being alive"
"Vision zero deserves proper funding! Philadelphians deserve to use our streets without being hurt or killed"
"I was hit by a car in an unprotected bike lane on Spruce. I feel lucky to have survived, but many of my neighbors have been hurt worse. Let’s fund Vision Zero for protected bike lanes and a city where people can safely get around!!!"
"I am a lifelong Philadelphia. I love this city, and I love the people who live here. $5 million for Vision Zero is an investment in safer streets for all of our neighbors who make this city live up to its promise of Brotherly Love."
"Every person in Philadelphia deserves the right to get to work, home, and anywhere else safely whether by bus, car, bike, wheelchair or foot. Over 100 people die every year in traffic violence on the street in Philadelphia alone. When visión zero started in Philadelphia nearly a decade ago that number was 75 a year. We simply are not funding it adequately. Philadelphia's infrastructure is a decade behind our peer cities. That has to change now before another Barbara Friedes is killed, before another Christopher Cabrera is killed, before another Dominque Jones is killed. Now is the time for the mayor and city council to truly build a "safer, cleaner, greener" Philadelphia by fully funding Vision zero."
"My kids are 4 and 9 years old. Philadelphia streets are too dangerous for kids (and adults). Please make our streets safe."
"Let Philadelphia become an example for safe roads in America"
"Time’s up, Mayor Parker, Council President Johnson. No more mealy-mouthed “progress towards $5 million” BS—people are dying. $5 million, now, today—period."
"The city needs to protect its vulnerable street users by increasing the Vision Zero budget now!"
"The city needs to do something about the constant traffic deaths. This is the least they can do."
"The time to prioritize Vision Zero is *now*. Dedicating this money is the most impactful thing we can do to make sure no more Philadelphians die on our streets."
"$5m in safe streets infrastructure would make a huge difference in comfort and saved lives."
"Safer streets need more funding!"
"Fully fund vision zero now! Enough gutting the budget and pushing out the timeline."
"Safe streets benefit EVERYONE. Philadelphians deserve safe means of transportation, from biking to walking to public transit."
"$5 million of dedicated funding for Vision Zero means a greener, cleaner, and safer Philadelphia."
"5 million is the bare minimum to catch up after last years cuts!"
"$5 million in local funding for Vision Zero will save lives and make our communities more livable and resilient. It’s imperative that Mayor Parker and City Council prioritize Vision Zero now and in the future to ensure that no one else is the victim of traffic violence in Philadelphia."